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I REALLY don't know what's going on. I mean, for a second I was staring on her angelic place and the next thing I knew Loki carried me and run as fast as he could away from that woman. I mean, I'm so confused. I know and I can feel that.. that woman had a magic that can kill me instantly if she wanted to...

"What's going on, Loki?" I shouted.

"We just need to get away from that woman, Lucy." he said.

"I knew that she had a powerful magic but you have to tell me everything that you know! I have the rights to know!" I said.

Loki look on me for a second and the swallowed as he continue jumping on the branches of trees "She is one of the four knights of Celestial King, Lucy."

Four knights?

"It was not exists anymore, Lucy. They are first Celestial spirit in Celestial World before us the zodiac. They commit a sin."

"Continue..." I whisper.

"To tell you the truth... those knights... they are powerful that even us zodiac can't compete. That woman that you met... she doesn't have any name but I knew her power." he look on me and I can see that he was afraid. "She can open the gate of hell and sent us there without hesitation." What? That's insane! "According to Crux, she is 'Hope' that's what Celestial King called her."

"Hell arrow" I heard someone said. It was the girl that I met. It was 'Hope' my eyes got widen when I saw she was holding a fire bow. "Die." she said as she shot us with the arrow.

Loki dodges some of the arrow but some hit us making us fly in different direction. I inhale sharply when I felt the pain in my left leg. "It's been one hundred years since I've seen a celestial spirit. The last time I've seen was the angry face of Celestial king." she said nothing change with her cold eyes. It was nothing but pain and loneliness.

"What are you gonna do to us?" I ask.

She look on me and then sighed before turning her gaze to Loki. "You didn't call him, didn't you?" she asks me without looking on me.

"Yeah" I simple said as I inhale sharply and tried to find a handkerchief. I let out a relief sigh when I found one in my pocket pressing it in my wounds as I look on her "You haven't answering my question, what are you gonna do to us?"

Dragon and the Princess ( Fairytail: NaLu [ Fanfiction ] )Where stories live. Discover now