Chapter Nine: Ippolito de' Medici

Start from the beginning

First, he had arranged for Clarice to lose her lands and title, then he had done the same to this man; how many more had he cheated of what was rightfully theirs to appease his needs. 

"I fear so Your Majesty. To rob myself and my sister of our birth rights then to deny Your Majesty freedom from a woman that betrays your country," Ippolito stated, choosing his words carefully and ignoring the look that he knew that he was getting from the devote that were in attendance. 

They would not take any slander against the Pope well but Ippolito cared not for them at this time. 

Leaning forward in his throne, Henry frowned not liking what Ippolito was implying but signalled for the man to continue curious about what he intended to share; a part of him did not wish to believe that Katherine would sink so low to keep her throne. 

Despite refusing to accept his demands nor any decision made in England, Henry had assumed that when she realised that he was truly done with her that she would stand aside. 

"I have seen it for myself. The Emperor acts on behalf of his aunt in these matters. He pressures the Pope to give him the answer he wants in your matter," Ippolito stated reaching into his bag, his every move being watched as he produced the evidence that he had collected. 

He had been waiting for the right moment to strike back at Clement for what he had done, he would not allow the man to ruin their family nor damage his sister's reputation for his own needs. 

"I could not stand by and allow such an injustice. Surely it is not God's will that a traitor to your crown should be Queen of England and deny Your Majesty of a true heir," Ippolito continued holding onto the letters, he had friends in some interesting places from when he had been an ambassador. 

It was not hard to line people's pockets when he had access to Vatican funds, it was rather easily to get them to tell him things that might one day be of use to him. 

"She passes messages through the ambassadors of your doings to the Emperor. Tells him that she is his loyal servant," Ippolito said handing over the letters that he had been given, all in Queen Katherine's hands promising undying loyalty on her part to the Emperor. 

There was silence, no one daring to even utter a whisper at the evidence being presented against the Queen; all knowing that should it prove true then there was nothing that could be done to save Queen Katherine. 

Flicking through the letters, Henry had no doubts on who had written them and a sudden sense of relief filled him; he would be free of Katherine for her actions. 

Not even the people would stand behind a Queen that had betrayed them just to keep a crown that did not even belong to her; the final letter made Henry stop, he stared down at it for a moment before a large smile formed on his face.

"Thank you, Mister de' Medici," Henry stated gratefully, he would be rid of Katherine for once and for all and nothing that she could say would be able to talk her out of this; whatever had been said here would quickly spread. 

There was no denying that news that their Queen had betrayed them to the Holy Roman Emperor would spread and Henry had no doubts that it would lead to Katherine certain downfall. 

"What are your plans?" enquired Henry sure that there would be no return to Rome for Ippolito especially if he had found himself in such a position as his sister had. 

Clarice had entered the service of Anne to support herself and by coming here, Ippolito would have burnt any bridges that he had when he left Rome; there would not be any going back for him now. 

"I cannot return to Rome nor did I wish to, nor do I have the funds to take back Florence," Ippolito replied with a shake of his head, he would continue to fight to regain Florence but right now he could not do as he wished. 

While he had money to last him for a time, securing his future here in England was his focus especially when his sister was too remain; he would not abandon her. 

"Then you shall remain here of course. I am sure a man of your talents will be most welcome here," Henry encouraged, Clarice's testimony against the Pope was one thing but to have another Medici turn on him was promising enough. 

Perhaps a position on his council and a title would be enough to ensure that the two Medici that were at his court continued to promote his cause and show those on the continent that the Pope was corrupt. 

First there was the matter of Katherine that he needed to deal with, he would see how loyal Ippolito remained then he would make his decision on the matter at hand. 

Offering a bow to the King, Ippolito stepped away and approached his sister knowing that their fates rested in Henry's hands now; no matter what happened to him he would find her a good match. 

Stepping away from Anne, Clarice wrapped her arms around the brother that she had never thought that she would see again; she could not believe that he was here right now. 

No matter what happened, they would find a way to right the wrongs that Pope Clement had heaped upon them; together they would make sure that the Medici name would not fail. 

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