4: Getting personal

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The food arrived and I tipped the waitress before she went. I grabbed my burger and bit into it, enjoying the flavour.

"So Riley, do you have a boyfriend?" Ash asked and I sighed at how this boy, I just met, threw questions at me without getting the hint that he annoyed me and I didn't like him.

"What does my personal life have to do with you." I glared and he tensed a bit and glanced at Peter for an odd reason.

"I guess not. Your facts would chase away any guy." He said in a mummer as he stuffed his fries into his face. I rolled my eyes and chewed on my burger.


Once I was half done, I placed the remaining back into the plate and took in a bit of the fries and pushed it away, knowing I had my limit. I pulled out my phone and began calculating the total amount. Hoping to just hotwire the funds to my account.

"Where's the bill lady?" I asked as I glanced around the place. "I'm supposed to be home in thirty minutes. I have work to study."

"I'll pay." Ash volunteered and I glared at him in annoyance.

I was the one that suggested this place and I even offered.

"No, I will." I said and he frowned at me as he pulled out a wallet from under the table and smacked it against it for some odd reason.

"You didn't even bring a wallet and not all joints take electric cards. Let me." He said as he pulled out a few dollars and once the bill came, he gave it to her easily. I sighed and glanced at Peter who had been quiet for a long time.

I glanced down at the red smudge on his lip and sighed with a slight shake of the head.

He tore it again.

"You have to be careful with your lip Peter. You tore it back open," I said as I grabbed the clean paper towel from the table and stared at it in hesitation.

Would I dare to use this towel?

"I'll clean it in the car." I sighed and grabbed his wrist. For some odd reason, I found Peter really nice to have around.

Other than his buffoon for a cousin.

I pulled him out of the restaurant and towards the car, pulling the door open when I heard it unlock and reached into the backseat, for his bag. I searched through the items until I found some tissue well squared on the side. I pulled it out and grabbed the water bottle then turned to him.

"Stay still." I said and poured a bit of the water on the tissue and batted on his lip. It was slightly swollen and a bit purple here and there. "Aw. It's swollen and purple. I'll have to disinfect it." I sighed and pulled out my phone and texted my mother I would be a little late and taking care of a patient.

"Why are you so caught up in helping him?" Ash asked sounding a bit annoyed and I rolled my eyes and pushed Peter into the car.

"You bruised him. Lip infections are dangerous. They could get into your mouth or stay swollen and purple." I said and he stared at me with narrowed eyes.

"If I got hurt, would you help me?" He asked with a grin and I rolled my eyes at him.

He was so full of himself.

"No. Now let's go. I have studying to do after I disinfect him." I said as I got into the car and he followed anyway.

"Maybe you like Peter?" He asked and I sighed and glanced out the window in annoyance, ignoring his question as the building and people sped by. "So where's your house?"

"I need to disinfect Peter first. We're going at your place." I said and he nodded and turned at a corner.

As more trees passed, we finally drove into the neighbourhood that mostly had up scale houses. As we drove further, I realised it was also my neighbourhood but at the left side of it, the side I don't like visiting.

We stopped in front of large bared silver gates and drove into the compound, greeting me to a small upscale mansion.

He stopped in front of the house and hopped off. I glanced over the seat towards Peter who glanced at me coincidentally.

"You know, you don't have to do this... He's getting really mad with me." He whispered and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Further reason to help you. I want to tame him down. To stop hurting you. Plus that infection is worrying me." I said as I opened the door and got out, waiting for him to do the same.

"He likes you, you know?" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"He's met me today. He's suffering from infatuation." I said and grabbed his hand about to pull him when he suddenly blushed at me. "What?"

"You know, girls have never held me a lot than you have today." He chuckled nervously and I smiled as I pulled him towards the doors.

"Force of habit when people aren't doing things I want right away. Get used to it." I chuckled and pushed the doors open.

Tight Strings: Rules Were Made To Be Broken (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now