10: lessons

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It was Saturday and what better way to spend it than teach my students? Nope, there absolutely isn't any other better way.

I scribbled a few things on the board and asked a few students their symbolization. They eventually got it all right, forcing me to end the tutor earlier than expected.

I sat on the table and sighed, tilting my head back as I shut my eyes, tired and fatigued with the advanced studies I had to do last night, forcing me to sleep for only three hours. Which reminds me, if I got home fast enough, I could read Monday and Tuesday's work. And on those days, I can read for the other days and so on and so forth.

I got up and turned only to flinch when Ash was standing next to me, reminding me of the disciplinary classes I told him about.

Just perfect. I had almost forgot about that.

"Right. I nearly forgot." I yawned and dropped my back back down and unzipped it, pulling out a small book all on discipline. I handed it to him as I pulled out another for me. "You read from here if you have trouble listening straight from my voice at some points. I'll write some notes to summarize and don't write them, I want you to know them by heart and I will ask you next week. Understood?" I asked as he glanced down at the book and took it slowly, eyeing it as though I had been lying. "What is it with you?"

"For a moment back then I thought you were lying. I just wanted to come see you." He said and I sighed as I pointed at the desk.

"You can see me whilst learning. Now get on the seat." I said and he sighed out in boredom but walked to it anyway. I turned for the marker board and began scribbling words as I taught.

For the first time in his life, he didn't bother me. He was as quiet as anyone serious could be. When I glanced at him from time to time, he was either looking at me or the book, meaning, he was paying attention.

First achievement to disciplinary measures, a good listener.

"Okay. That wraps it up for today." I said as I closed the marker lid and placed it neatly on the desk and turned only to pale up when he had already stood up and was right in front of me. "What?"

"The book?" He asked as he held the book in front of me, I reached out to take it only to have him grab my hand as he let go of the book.

"What are you-" I asked only to be silenced when me pushed me up against the board. I flinched a bit and glared at him in anger. "Ash!"

"You know I'm trying so hard to resist kissing you right now." He said as he tightened the distance. My heart pounded against my chest as his lips were just hovering so close to mine. I tensed a little bit, feeling my throat close up. He shoved his knee in between my legs and plastered his forehead on mine as he reached his hand up and stroked my lower lip with his thumb. I stayed still watching him, trying to understand the feeling running through me. It felt like excitement. "Tomorrow. Don't forget. I might just happen to make you like me." He said as he pushed back from me and winked.

"I haven't forgotten. I have a very sharp memory." I said as I searched the floor for the book he threw, and mostly importantly, after what happened just now, my heart couldn't come down.

I eventually found the books and stood up, straightening my shirt and grabbed my bag, turning to face him.

"I could save time and money if you drive me home." I said and he smirked as he whipped up his keys and dangled them in front of me.

"Sure." He said and I nodded as I led the way out of the building. He trailed behind, casting a few of the college girls one of his winks, a few giggled and seemed to find him amusing while others simply ignored him and walked away.

I sighed and slapped my face as I pushed open the doors, stepping out. I spotted his car and hurried over, knowing I shouldn't waste too much time so I can study.

"Hey hurry up! I have work to do!" I yelled at him when he had to stop and talk to a girl. He glanced my way and winked at her before running to me.

"I felt some jealousy-"

"Don't start with that. I have work to read okay. I need to get home." I said as I opened the door and got into the passenger seat. He got in after and started the car, driving out of the lot and into the road.

"You know. You have to rest, I don't want you dosing when we go." He said and I sighed out, stroking my forehead as I began to think. It wasn't as though I was going to have to reschedule anything.

"Fine fine." I sighed and glanced down the window, only to feel my cheeks redden at how awfully close he was. "Did you have to do that!?"

"What?" He asked as he glanced at me in question for a quick second before planting his eyes back to the road.

"Just drive." I groaned and covered my face with palms.

"Are you blushing Riley?" He chuckled and I glared at him in anger.

"No! Just shut up and drive!" I said and cried in my head.

Why me.... Why now!?

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