34: cold shoulder.

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That evening

I couldn't stop staring at the door wondering if Ash was going to show up and yet it had been over an hour and a half.

Peter had shown up with Sarah before it even started and a few friends my father knew were around as well.

I wouldn't say this was a party to be exact but I wouldn't expect any more from my father.

The music was so classical and at a low volume so the only basic thing we could do was stand around, eat, drink and talk.

My father's view of a party.

"Hey!" An unfamiliar voice called from behind and I jumped in fright, nearly spilling my grape juice all over the new red dress. "You must be Riley!"

I glanced to the direction of the voice and two unfamiliar girls approached in extra short dresses with their long black hair and taunting eyes.


"Do I know you?" I asked and if they weren't around my age, I would assume they were my father's stalkers.

He's always catching the eyes of almost every woman that sees him, I don't blame them, my dad isn't that bad either.

"Not really." They said and I couldn't ignore the feeling that they looked like goddesses.

"I'm just a pretty close friend to Ash." The second Twin said as she glanced down at me with a sort of disgusted look. "Alice."

"Clara." The other introduced herself with a small slight smile and I could tell that Alice will be a problem to me.

"More like a dangerous crush to Ash." I sighed as I sipped on my juice from the glass tumbler. "I can tell. You must be one of the girls ways walking around him. Apart from Opera and Rosetta." I said and she stiffened as she clenched the wine glass in her hands.

Apparently she was drinking wine.

I wasn't surprised, she really did look eighteen.

"Opera and Rosetta?" Alice asked as she glanced at me. "He was with them?"

"Sorry if you didn't know." I chuckled and glanced down at her dress. It was pretty short but I have to admit it was beautiful.

"Aren't you jealous?" She asked and I couldn't help but notice her shiver in anger. "That he's doing that? Aren't you two like... Dating?"

"No." I said flatly and sighed as I ran a hand through my hair, accidentally messing up the look my mother had struggled to perfect all day. "Things are complicated between us."

"I heard you broke up yesterday. Or something like that." She clicked her tongue. "And that you cheated with Peter."

"How the hell did that story spread so fast?" I asked in annoyance and she chuckled a bit.

"Roman texted it to me." She said as she folded her arms. "He said I needed to help him get Ash over you by being Ash's girlfriend." She chuckled with a devious smile. "I wouldn't mind though, he's got a really good body and since he's still a virgin I will be the first to own Ash!"

What a maniac.

"I thought that was a lie." Clara said as she turned to her sister.

"I thought so too. But he's ex agreed to it." She said before staring at me. "Non the less, I know Ash knows certain things though." She grinned and licked her lips to which I cringed to.

You have got to be kidding me.

"So why are you here again?" I asked and she frowned a bit as her twin, Clara, shifted on her spot.

"If Ash's coming I have to prevent him from talking to you." She said and I chuckled with a roll of my eyes.

"Good luck with that. If he wants to talk to me, he will." I said and sipped once more on my juice. "Besides, what makes you think I'll let you boss me around in my own house? I have something to talk to him about and you won't stand in my way."

"Oh yes I will!"

"Need I remind you I'm much more logical than you'll ever be. I've acquired degrees beyond your strength and I for one am in fact famous and as a matter of fact Ash noticed me long before he noticed you." I smiled deviously at her defeated expression. "Sorry to burst your bubble but as long as I'm alive, Ash still likes me."

I didn't have to boast but that was the truth. Just because I messed up this one time won't mean Ash will stop liking me. Up until I really mess up, he'll always choose me over anyone and I hate to admit but I do like the attention he gives me.

Oh I feel evil.

"Mm-hm." She clicked her tongue as she glared down at me. "Tough girl huh?"

"My house." I smiled with a roll of my eyes and turned from her eyes when I caught that all familiar intoxicating scent.

It was Ash.

I glanced around for a bit only to notice him standing right in front of my brother and handing him a wrapped gift.

A smile couldn't help but plaster itself on my face as I dropped the tumbler on the table close to me and slowly walked to him.

"Hey!" Alice yelled and grabbed my wrist, yanking me back. "I was serious."

"Just let me go." I sighed and tried to snatch my hand from her but she resisted.

"No." She deadpanned and began to yank me back as I resisted.

"What's wrong with you!?" I hissed and she kept on pulling me back.

She's insane.

"Don't talk to him!" She thundered and tried to pull me even more.

Wow she works out.

I lost balance and fell back with her. Lucky for her, I didn't typically fall on her except her one leg.

This was just embarrassing for both of us.

Clara began laughing as I stood up and glared down at Alice who glared back at me as she sat up.

"Weirdo." I hissed and turned only to pale up when I saw Ash standing right in front of me and awfully close.

"Oh Ash!" Alice exclaimed in a sweeter voice than before. "Help me up?" She begged and I glanced over my shoulder at her only to witness a crime on her face.

She was trying to make it seem like she was hurt.

Oh my....

He walked past me and offered his hand for her to take, which she took gladly and I simply sighed out in boredom.

"Ash can we talk?" I asked and he turned to face me with a serious face on.

"I only came for your brother." He said and I felt his words slice through my entire body as Alice smirked beside her. "I'm not ready to talk to you about it." He said before leaving again.

I felt my throat close up as I watched him disappear into the crowd of older men and woman scattering to each other.

Sighing out, I turned and left for my room, knowing too well he wouldn't change his mind as of now and I didn't want to be shamed by those intoxicated twins.

I reached my room and hurriedly pulled my heels off, feeling the aching sensation on my ankles as I padded across the room to my closet, planning to take an early leave. After all, it was nine anyway.

I took my dress off and pulled on a loose shirt that used to either be for my dad or Ash.

Probably Ash.

I walked back to my bed and simply threw myself there, feeling tired and drained of energy.

It wasn't as though Rhy would get lost. He has his parents.

Yet sometimes I have to act responsible for both of them.

I slowly shut my eyes and let sleep drift me away as the soft classical music of violins and drums played in the background.

Tight Strings: Rules Were Made To Be Broken (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now