47: Off coarse

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The next morning Ash was late with an entire hour and my father had no choice but to drop me and Rhy after I refused to be dropped off by Adrien who demanded that I cancel my plans with Ash today.

Since it was my birthday. Apparently.

Ash got a morning detention and stayed in his mother's office as punishment since morning and then it was past lunch. The mother was tutoring him as well so he wasn't missing out on the classes at least.

"Ash isn't out yet?" Sarah asked as I stood staring at the nearly empty car park.

Figures. It's already been a day and I haven't seen or talked to Ash. He hasn't left a text to tell me to wait for him or anything. So I assumed his punishment will be the whole day.

"No." I replied as I glanced at Rhy who had sat down and was scribbling a few notes from a textbook my father gave him to study intensively on. "Maybe he's been grounded for the whole day."

"Oh...." She sighed then smiled a bit as she held up her finger and began to rampage through her bag. "I thought Ash would take us to the burger place or something but since I don't have any transport, I guess I have to call my big sis. So here, the birthday gift I got for you." I smiled as I received the nicely wrapped little box.

"What is it?" I asked as I felt the weight of it.

Could be a picture frame.

"Find out yeah?" She chuckled and I nodded as she ran off right after a black mustang appeared from the gates. "Happy birthday Riley! I'll make it up to you one day!"

"No need!" I smiled and waved at her before glancing down at the picture only to notice Rhy staring at me with wide eyes.

"Today's your birthday!?" He asked in shock as I nodded slowly. "Why didn't you say so!?"

"No need. I only get one thing worth science." I smiled and reached into my pockets and pulled out the photo of the exact telescope I wanted. "I want a telescope this time. I'll be able to stare into the sky! Know the name of all the star's, the meteorites circling along earth's evolution path, the stars light intensity and calculate how many light years they are from us." I sighed out in admiration as he blinked at me in terror.

"You should have a celebration at least." He said as he shut the text book and shoved it into his bag. "Since Ash isn't out of his detention lets rob Adrien and spend his money on a theme park or something." He grinned evilly and I gasped at him.

"Who taught you that Rhy!?" I asked as I placed my hands on my hips.

"You did. You said you'd use Ash for money but I would prefer Adrien. Mostly because I do not like him. He thinks he's so rich. So let's do him a favour and let him spend his richness." He smiled innocently and I grinned with a nod.

"It's my birthday after all." Before I could even grab my phone from my pocket's, Adrien's limousine had just drove into the gates.


"Riley!" He yelled as he got out of the limousine actually dressed like a normal person for once.

His hair wasn't heavily jelled like always. Instead, it was all over the place and lucky for him, it was short so it didn't look half as bad.

He was wearing a red oversized T-shirt with a long sleeved shirt inside with countless draws made to look like tattoos. A green pair of jeans slightly tight hang from his waist and stretched down to where his sneakers began.

"For a moment there I thought I wouldn't find you." He smirked as he walked to me and I couldn't help but feel the slightest blush at his boyish look. "But then I heard about Ash and what he did so I figured I would come here and check."

"You look your age for once." I said as I stared into his heavy bright eyes.

"Oh that. Yeah." He chuckled a bit with a shrug of his shoulders. "The suit was getting a bit stuffy. Sorry if it takes you off the edge."

"Oh no. You look great in fact."

"Do you find me attractive, Riley?" He asked with a teasing smile and I frowned at him.

"Whatever," I sighed as I fanned my hand to get his face from getting closer to mine. "Just take me to a place I can waste your money and have fun." I said and he chuckled as I walked to the limo.

"I'm prepared to give you the most expensive birthday." He said with all the pride in his voice.

I walked to the car with Rhy skipping behind me and I knew what he meant by 'spending his money' was the food.

Just like the rest of us Markers, we value our food and can eat like hell if the food is impressive.

Well that explains why most of us Marker woman have very round hips.

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