CHAPTER 13:Welcome the devil in me

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Nathan's POV

I don't like looking useless infront of my dad and it's something l don't like many people seeing.
Have you ever felt like all you have worked for is never appreciated and never applauded for. Even when you get him a deal he himself never thought you could tackle or even have it signed and just one mistake it all goes down.

My step-mom for once she was of great help she never really was only there for the money and real mom died when l was just a kid. She made sure my dad gave me that one last chance to make sure that l fix everything that is happening right now.

And l just have the perfect idea, l really the devil starts to resurface from within let's target that department that will make her broke and all, to put a bit of spice how about we put a bad image on the company to the tabloids l mean wouldn't that be something less evil than killing her when we all know she's got no heir.


Just a little bit of suffering and my darling we shall meet in that hell hole to chit chat.

"Louis l need your help be at my house at 6pm."

I called Louis one of the guys with a gang l know just 30 000 USD and they can share among them, it's just a matter of them threatening all those workers so that they never wish they worked for her at all.

Bad publicity from the workers
And boom all her contracts are terminated
And just like that

Nicole Jonathan is destroyed, as simple as that.
I don't like bringing this side of me, push me and l won't hesitate to even be a devil and you wish you never messed with me from the very start.

One thing l do, l play my game smart, make sure l don't have my name included in this, the gang will do their work nicely but thoroughly and no nonsense. Play me and you wish you never did.

"Boss we here. Your wish is our command."

I had missed that statement from Louis, it's like his signature opening phrase. That's how he does it, guess l been a good boy for too long huh.

"Louis my work here is simple, l am gonna provide you with names and addresses of employees at the Jonathan Corp who work at the Finance department. Scare them don't care how you going to do it. Make sure they all file a resignation letter."

He listened carefully whilst taking and flipping the file papers looking at the names and addresses. They are haphazard, not at the same area but they know how to do their work.

"But boss, l don't know isn't that a little harsh for them, will they find jobs to support their families."

Guess my Louis has an angel who came to change his life and finally make that thing that bumps blood became warm and caring. So cliche for me but good for him. Some of us meet angels who are nightmares in disguise, how ironic.

"Don't worry about them l have something for them."

"Consider it done."

With that he and his goons matched out of my base area to go and start a job, the faster they are the more the money. Sweet deal right.

Going to my work place l start to draw up plans of new contracts that l can start to sign with future investors in the making all thanks to Louis. I owe you man.

"You Alex. What brings you here."

My best friend, brother one and only person who has stood by me besides Jackson cake in my office looking radiant.

"I been thinking l don't know really. Maybe it's too fast l don't know man. But l rally love this girl she just my sunshine she just brings joy to me."

I listen carefully, he has finally found love, a woman being the light in his dark tunnel, always there for him when l can't anymore. This is something great and l a, totally happy for him, if on,y l could come to that extent in life to settle down this, someone to help me. And yah l would love massages from my wife after a bad day at work. Getting home to my kids making noise and all, yah l want that, l am human. But can't have that now and not anytime soon. This war might be long or short straight to the point.

"And you want to marry her." I asked knowing where this story was going and all.

"Yah that the problem. I don't know how to do it."

"Do it before you regret." I frankly advice him, it's true he gotta make a move now, l mean if she feels the same and he loves her she wouldn't think it's too sudden.

We continue to talk and l tell him about my devil deal with Louis
His response was

"Don't mess with my girl. I don't want anything to do with it."

Nicole's POV

What is happening right now, whole department suddenly resigning without notice and it looks like their letters need assistance this very moment. Even if l don't sign these papers they might probably stop coming to school.

"Nicole could this be some sort of revenge from Nathan cause ...."

I had tot take forgot that there's someone called Nathan Pierce, who forget their enemy and competitor l mean who does that right. But someone by the name Nicole has done it.

"Could it be though. Honestly l did nothing wrong. He showed up late and the guy was impatient and boom he signed the whole deal to me. So why would he want revenge from me."

"It's just an assumption Nic."

She says that and she immediately gets a call from Alex, she might be correct somehow, but l am not so sure if it's him. How much did that deal mean anyway.

I mean it was just one of those right.
Oh God
Why is this happening to me

Pregnant with the enemy
Finance department resigning
And yes l am still hurt from what that douche bag did cause Alex and Iris are a constant reminder of what l once shared with him for less than a month.

So stupid of me to fall in deep like that within a short space of time,.


And yes this is the end of chapter
And damn, who knew Nathan could be this evil
I tried to change from the cliche in love with the devil himself typa stories I hope l succeeded though.

Poor Nicole right.

How am l doing so far
Hearing from you will help me

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And be on the lookout for the next update.
Good day💦💞

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