Chapter 8

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Bakugo woke that morning with a splitting headache. He could hear his phone alarm blaring for him to wake up, despite it being a Saturday. Bakugo was a man of routine and even though he didn't want to, he had to get up.

With half opened eyes he reached to his right to pick up his phone and shut off the alarm, only for his hand to land on something soft and damp.

Confused but still not entirely awake he ruffled whatever he had his hand on, stroking the silky texture to try figure out what it was.

As he continued to fiddle with the soft object he heard a soft purr in that direction, his phone alarm having switched off by now.

Finally finding the energy he opened his eyes, only to come face to uhh hair? with Kirishima. The bright red locks were loosely scattered out across the bed where Kirishima had splayed his top half onto it, his bottom half sat on the floor that made him bend forward with surprising flexibility for a guy. Especially an athlete.

It was then that Bakugo realised the soft, almost inaudible purr was coming from him.

Scratching his head he felt his stomach do somersaults as Kirishima leaned himself into the touch, letting out a satisfied sigh. As he continued to play with his hair he noticed the barely visible black roots, he was definitely the right person.

An uncontainable grin came to Bakugo's face and he quickly pulled his hand away. Sitting up he spun his waist, his back letting off a satisfying crack. Carefully getting out the bed he did his best to avoid bumping into Kirishima, the poor guy's dark circles seemed really bad.

Bakugo stood up and immediately regretted it, the room spun and he blacked out for a second. When his vision returned he was face up on the bed, his feet splayed out beneath him.

That went well.

Sitting up slowly he held his head in his hands as the whole room started to sway. He felt sick. Trying to remember where the bathroom was Bakugo once more attempted to stand up.

With his feet planted on the floor he leaned against a wall for support. The entire experience feeling like a bad acid trip. Not that he'd ever done drugs.

Slowly he made his way to the bathroom and that's when he noticed a problem. To get to the toilet he would have to let go of the wall. Letting go of the wall would mean no support.

Teetering slightly he weighed up his options. Either stand here and eventually fall over, or try sit down and also probably fall over.

Bakugo decided the second option had a higher success rate so with one sharp shove he attempted to stand without the support of the wall. This failed dramatically and he found himself face planting in the wall the other side of the toilet.

Waking with a start Kirishima heard a loud bang, followed by a string of very colourful language coming from his bathroom. Slowly getting up he stretched his sore muscles before sneaking round the corner to see what kind of trash panda had invaded his apartment.

Once he got close enough Kirishima realised that wasn't a trash panda, it was Bakugo. Had he slipped or something?

He watched as Bakugo picked himself off the floor and sat up, wobbling slightly. As Bakugo turned to the side Kirishima caught a look at his face.


Kirishima's internal sirens blared as he rushed forward and grabbed Bakugo by the face.

"What the fuck?!" Bakugo shouted, startled at his sudden appearance. Kirishima shushed him with a finger over his lips before grabbing some toilet paper and holding it beneath the blonde's nose.

"Hold that there, keep your head forward." He commanded, a bit more forcefully than he intended. Bakugo just did as he was told, in shock at being ordered around.

There the two of them sait in silence for about five minutes. Kirishima holding Bakugo's face and the tissue while Bakugo simply sat there, his own hands lying limp beside him. He could feel his face growing hotter, Kirishima cradling his face like that wasnt good for his heart.

Finally Kirishima let go and took the tissue away, much to Bakugo's disappointment. Standing up Kirishima offered him a hand and pulled him off the floor and right into his arms.

"Uh.... thanks..." he mumbled, his face now as red as the blood on his shirt. Kirishima smiled and tightened his grip around Bakugo's waist as he started to slip a little.

"No problem bro, but you sure you're feeling alright?" Kirishima asked, his concern melting Bakugo right to his core.

Deciding he may as well use the opportunity he squinted and using his world class acting skills pretended to be faint. His head dropped onto Kirishima's chest and he leaned all his weight into the redhead.

"Oh shit!" Kirishima muttered. Bakugo felt bad for tricking him, but it's not like he was hurting anyone. Except maybe his own pride. But fuck his pride if he got to spend time with Kirishima.

"Hold up Bakubro let me take you back to the bed." Kirishima said as he hoisted the blonde into his arms. With his stomach filling with butterflies Bakugo clung to his neck, leaning his head into his chest.

The comfort of his arms was short lived though as soon he felt himself being put down onto the bed once more. Reluctantly he let go and leaned against the backboard of the bed.

The two of them sat like this in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, neither sure of what to say.

Just as Kirishima opened his mouth to ask about what Bakugo had said when he left there was a knock at the door.

"Kiriiiii let us in, did you forget what day it is today?"

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