Chapter 22 : This world and the other world

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Chapter 22 is here~ I know it's been five days but.... I didn't want this story to end... I already have had the chapter in my mind for a really long time but I grew attached to this story... I know I shouldn't have held back the story a bit... Berry is very sorry... Anyway let the chapter start... I don't own cardfight vangaurd, Bushiroad does...

I looked around me confused, everything was plain white. The only colour I could see was the colour in myself. I was a little afraid, this place seemed so familiar yet it brought me a stabbing pain in my head whenever I tried to remember.

"Sendou Aichi.... It seems you've returned.."

A eerie voice whispered into my ears, it was silky yet cold, it brought a shiver down my spine at the feeling of it. I looked around, trying to locate the source of the unknown voice.

"Heh even without your memories of your true self you're still the same Sendou Aichi... Maybe that's because your spirit is strong..."

The voice sounded as if it was mocking me slightly, I glared at the ground. I couldn't do a thing, I didn't even know if I was upside down or not.

"Who are you?...."

I wanted to know who this voice belonged to, it was probably what had taken me away from my classroom and brought me to wherever this place is. Wherever this was, I didn't like it at all, it made me feel uneasy.

"Hmmm I guess I could tell you... I am who you know as Takuto, I have no need to say my last name"

The pure white scenery around me suddenly changed, I was now floating in a starry space, I looked up and saw a mirror. On the other side of the mirror I saw someone, they looked like me but, not quite the same. The aura seemed a little stronger than me.

"Who are you?..."

I whisper to the mirror, it seemed as if it was me, yet at the same time a completely different person. The image smiled kindly at me as it stuck its hand through the mirror and grabbed my arm. I felt a strange energy enter me as I was pulled up through the mirror.

"I am you, and you are me... It's time to go home soon"

The 'me' pulled me into him and a searing pain entered my mind. I closed my eyes and crouched down to hold my head in pain, memories were rushing into my mind, everything about vangaurd, card capital, team Q4, psyquallia, void and link joker. I gasped at the memories and opened my eyes.

I was pulled into the mirror and then I was young.... My life started over from that time?

"Takuto... Why did you do all this? I thought you were.... Gone"

I whispered softly, I was still shocked from everything that I had experienced from the split version of my life. I remembered my arms, I rolled my sleeves up and saw that instead of the angry red scars, there was only the faintest of white marks. They were only visible if you knew what you were looking for.

"I wanted to teach you that you've always been strong, even without vangaurd you would have turned out happy in the end... It's a little gift, it may have been painful, I'm sorry.."

I shook my head and smiled happily, I was thankful for the experience.
"Thank you Takuto, it was a good learning period for me. Though what will happen now?...."

"You will go back to where you belong, the life with vangaurd..."

The life with vangaurd... I'll get to see all of my friends, including Naoki but.... What about Mizuha..

"Aichi do not worry, Mizuha exists in that world too of course. It's possible to meet and befriend him once again"

My mood brightened at Takuto's words, I could see all of my friends, and play vangaurd with them once again.

"Ah wait Takuto... One last question... What's going to happen to you now?.."

If my memory was correct, Takuto had been sealed away along with link joker. I had thought I would never see him again.

"..... My energy is almost used up... I will fade away like I was supposed to, but before that, I'm sending you home Aichi.."

It's not fair.. You've done so much..

"Sayonara Sendou Aichi.."

I closed my eyes as I felt everything around me bend and dissipate, when I opened my eyes I saw that I was standing in card capital.

"Hey Aichi Onii-San, why are you staring off into space?"

I looked over to Kamui, and smiled. I felt a little disorientated but I didn't think that was a problem.

"Ah sorry, I was just having a little daydream"

I laughed, I felt like I should keep what happened to myself. I knew that it would just probably confuse everyone or make them upset.

"Geez Onii-San, I was asking if you want to have a cardfight battle"

I smiled at Kamui's request, it was always fun to battle him.

"Sure I'll battle you... Kamui"

A sudden flash of beige outside of card capitals doors caught my attention, the hazel eyes on the boy were strikingly familiar.


"Ah actually I just remembered something, sorry I've got to go!"

"Ah okay..."

Kamui seemed slightly confused, I was glad that he didn't press any further. I wanted to meet this worlds Mizuha, it was strange how one encounter with Kai all those years ago twisted up the future so much, thankfully people's personalities were the same.

I smiled apologetically towards my red eyed friend before running out the doors to reacquaint with Mizuha.

Hopefully we can become friends again.

Me: that's the end of the story...... The Berry is sad...

Aichi: don't worry~ you'll probably think up another cardfight fanfic eventually

Me: still... I liked making you all sad and stuff

Aichi: ........ That's... So mean

Me: I know ^_^ , I love being mean to characters that I love hehe

Aichi: well I'm the one who suffers from it...

Me: aww don't be like that! You got your happy ending! Anyway hope ya liked the story.

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