Chapter 1 : The start

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Chapter 1 is here~ yay I don't own cardfight vangaurd at all, Bushiroad does sadly.. Wish I owned it.. Anyway let the first chapter start! Aichi has no memory from before so he picks up as an 2nd grader.

I could feel something shaking me, I rolled over, not wanting to get up. I knew what the day had in store for me, nothing but pain and hurt.

"Aichi Get up"

I groaned and buried myself deeper under the covers.


The shaking got worse, I sighed and allowed the blanket filled with warmth to be removed from me. I opened my eyes sleepily to see my mother she has cyan hair and blue eyes, she was holding my baby sister Emi in her arms. I thought she was adorable with her peach hair and blue eyes.

"Mom do I have to go to school... I really don't want to..."

I begged my mom to let me stay home I didn't want to be beat on again. My mom shook her head and smiled sadly at me.

"I'm afraid not Aichi.. Miyaji is a good school.. It's just some people that Arn't that nice, I want you to get a good education..."

Mom... I'm so scared...I don't want to go...

I smiled sadly and nodded, my mom left my room to allow me to change for school. I hated school with a passion, it wasn't the teachers or the work that I hated. It was my classmates, they were always picking on me and hurting me. Sometimes when they gang up on me, I fear for my life.

I don't know what I did to make everyone hate me, I was never mean.

But still, they make sure I'm miserable.

I reluctantly walked down the stairs and got my shoes on.

"Aichi? Don't you want breakfast?"

My mother called from the kitchen. I knew I should eat but when I thought about school, my appetite always vanishes.

"No thanks mom... I'm not very hungry..."

I opened the front door and stepped out into the pristine fresh air. The sunlight on my face would have made me feel happy if my thoughts weren't overshadowed by fear.

I just want to go back in my bed and sleep the day away..

I began the familiar and terrible walk to school, I had to keep checking behind me to make sure I was okay.

You never know when someone will attack me..

I shivered at the change of temperature due to the sudden breeze, I pulled my coat closer to me in an attempt to stay warm. Sure the sun was warm and all, it's just that I prefer to not have sudden chills.

I began to see Miyaji in the distance, I slowed my pace, trying to delay my arrival as long as I could. I felt a hand grab my shoulder, I froze and looked behind me and saw Miroku Mizuha, he was slightly taller and stronger than me, he had spiky beige hair and hazel eyes. I didn't like him, he was always hitting me with stuff and keeps getting more painful items over time.

"Hey Sendou! Why don't you hang out with me before class starts?"

He smiled kindly, however on the inside I could imagine him with a cruel grin. I stepped away from him.

"N-no thanks Mizuha... I'm in a hurry!"

I turned and began running towards school, hoping to see a teacher. A teacher meant safety. I felt the ground rush towards myme as Mizuha tripped me, I ended up getting covered in scrapes. My eyes watered from the pain, he just pointed and laughed at me.

"Sendou is such a klutzy person! And a big wimp!"

Mizuha laughed and pointed at me as I scrambled to get up and ran to school.

Today seems like another bad day.. And it's only just barely started..

I winced as I looked at my new scrapes , a bit of blood has already started to come out. Most kids my age would cry and ask for a bandaid but I was different.

I was used to the sight of blood, I sighed sadly as I entered my classroom.

Please just let today end quickly..

I put my head on my desk and waited for the class to full up and begin.

The bell rang and my teacher Mr. Sora started to take the class attendance, when my name was called, I stood up nervously.


I answered then sat back down embarrassed, I could my classmates snicker. I knew they were making fun of me, it made me feel so lonely knowing that nobody want to be my friend. I didn't notice the red head who was looking at me from the corner of his eye. I sighed sadly and began to listen to Mr. Sora's lesson, it was simple and easy enough. I was called on a few times to answer questions, I always stuttered earning me even more snickering but I always got the question right.

I studied at home often, knowing that if I get a question wrong when Mr. Sora called on me. I would be bullied more harshly than usual that day.

It's not fair... When someone else gets a question wrong..

Nobody hurts them..

But for me..

I shivered at the memory of the last time I answered a question wrong, Mizuha and his friends had surrounded me on the way home and began hitting me with sticks.

Me: chapter 1 is done~ yay

Aichi: I hate school so much..

Me: school is fun, it's just a little harsh for you

Aichi: ... It's unfair

Me: life isn't always fair Aichi

Aichi: still, I've done nothing wrong..

Me:... Okay well hope ya liked the first chapter!

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