Chapter 8 : Start of the middle school Arc

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Chapter 8 is here~ let's see how Aichi's discovery helped him~ I don't own Cardfight vangaurd~ Bushiroad does~~ anyway let the chapter start!

It had been a few years now since I had discovered how to ward Mizuha and his friends away from me. The change in their actions towards me changed almost instantly, it only took a few more incidents with blood to make the stay away from me.

I was happy, I could now eat lunch at school without the fear of someone jumping me. I was now in middle school, since my bullying problem had stopped my mom had decided that she wouldn't transfer me into a different school.

However, a new problem had appeared after I had taken action all those years ago. Nobody ever came near me, I was avoided like I was carrying the plague. New students were quickly mingled into the social barrier that everyone had created. I was glad that nobody paid any attention to me at first but after a while a dark loneliness began to overwhelm me.

Before middle school my existence was at least acknowledged, however now that I've started high school nobody even so much as glanced at me. I used to get my hopes up whenever a new student arrived but then they became swarmed by my classmates and they became like the others. Eventually I ended up so that I never got my hopes up, I began to believe that I would never obtain the feeling of friendship.

I was laying in my bed, I didn't want to get up or go to school. I didn't want to feel the suffocating loneliness that enveloped me every time I walked through the school doors.

"Aichi, get up"

I rolled over and faced away from my little sister Emi who had grown up slightly. I loved her yet I didn't want to go to school.


Emi hugged as she tried to pull away my blankets, I laughed a little at her attempts. I was half on them so I knew she wouldn't have been able to take them away.

"Emi I'm sleeping"

I called as I nuzzled deeper into my warm blankets. I heard my sister sigh, I could tell she was slightly annoyed with me.

"Aichi, you're going to be late for school"

I sighed and got up, I was always forced to go, so I knew that I might as well not be late in my way to school.

Not like anyone would notice...only my teacher Mr. Kiri would, but then he'd call my mom and is get a scolding.

I looked at Emi, her blue eyes were sparkling with triumph as she watched me get out of bed.

Emi it's just getting me out of bed, it's not that hard.

I smiled at Emi, she had grown to be pretty with her short peach hair, I was thankful that she wasn't like me, instead she made many friends.

"Emi I'm up now, go in your way to school now or you'll be late!"

I joked, Emi half glared half pouted at me and left. I was happy that when I was at home I wasn't ignored. I also felt a little bad about causing trouble for Emi and mom.

I looked at the clock and frowned, Emi had lied. I had plenty of time to get ready for school, I looked at my bed wistfully and sighed knowing that by the time I fell asleep I would need to get up again. Instead I got changed into my school uniform, I was glad it was long sleeved. I disliked short sleeves ever since I made friends with the colour red, I just liked the calm feeling I got from seeing it. The colour red always managed to wash away all my thoughts of loneliness, I began to yearn for it and eventually became addicted to it.

There were some days at school there I just had this itching feeling to see my old friend red, I would go home afterwards and satisfy my needs secretly. I had turned into an expert in wrapping bandages throughout the years.

I sighed as I walked downstairs to go to school, I wasn't looking forward to another session of extreme loneliness.

Me: that's the end of chapter 8 the middle school arc has started~

Aichi: middle school?

Me: yea it's how you are in middle school

Aichi: ah , makes sense I guess

Me: yep~ hehe wonder what'll happen

Aichi: *sigh*....

Me: hope ya liked the chapter~

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