Chapter 3 : Nightmare

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Chapter 3 is here~ hehe I don't own cardfight vangaurd at all~ But I own this odd fanfic~ which is good enough I guess, anyway let the chapter start!

After my mom stopped fussing over me, I hurried up the stairs to my room. I wanted to get my homework finished quickly so I could go to bed, I looked at the clock on my dresser, it read 3:35 PM. I knew that it was too early to fall asleep but I just wanted the day to end.

I wonder what will happen tomorrow?... More teasing and bullying probably..

I sighed as I placed my bag on the floor and took out my homework, it was a few math problems that were relatively simple to solve. I hopped into my desk and grabbed a pencil and eraser from my pencil case. I propped open my notebook and began solving the questions that were too easy.

I sighed when I finished my work, it had only taken me around ten minuets to complete. I heard my stomach rumble, reminding me that I hadn't eaten all day. I knew I was physically hungry, the problem was that I didn't have an appetite.

I'm going to have to force myself to eat something... I don't want to though..

Whenever I eat I remember when my classmates teased me with my food.. I wish I could just forget.. Everything.

I decided to go down stairs to check on what my mom was making for supper, when I did I smelt curry. The smell somewhat made my mouth water, I just loved my mom's homemade curry.

I noticed the knife my mom had used to cut the onions for the curry, it seemed to draw me in.

My life consists of being afraid of others and barely eating.. It's not much..

I shook my head right away after that thought, I couldn't believe I had thought that.

If I leave, my mom will become upset.. She's always so kind to me, I don't want to make her cry.

I left the kitchen and the knife and went to the living room to find my mom, she was cradling Emi in her arms kindly.

"Oh hi Aichi? Did you do your homework?"

She asked as she smiled at me, I nodded and sat beside her.

"Hehe you're one of the few kids in the world who does their homework without a parent asking them to"

I smiled half heartedly at my mom's compliment, it made me happy yet sad.

That's because other kids have friends to play with. They don't have time for it, but I have no friends so of course I'd do it..well at least I know I'm not causing you trouble.

We heard the stove beep signalling that supper was ready, my mom gave me Emi to hold as she went to the kitchen. I looked down at my baby sister and smiled.

I hope you have a better life than your hopeless big bro, I want you to have lots of friends.

My sister seemed so innocent, I loved her so much even though I wasn't able to have a conversation with her. It felt strange loving a person you didn't know personally but that was exactly how I thought.

I rocked Emi back and fourth slowly in my arms, then placed Emi in her crib. She was big enough that my arms got tired after holding her for a while, I didn't want to risk dropping her.

"Aichi dinners finished!"

My mom called from the kitchen, I put a blanket over Emi.


I hurried towards the kitchen table, hoping that I had a bit if an appetite, if I didn't eat much it would make my mom worry.

I already make her worry about me enough, I don't need her worrying about my health also.

I somehow managed to eat all of the food on my plate, I placed it in the sink then went upstairs back to my room. I hopped into my bed for the night, hoping to sleep away the time.

I wish I could spend my whole life sleeping, it's more easy than living my life afraid.

I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to overtake me, I had become accustomed to being able to choose when I fall asleep.

In my dream I dreamt that I had woken up and gone to school, I was confused that I hadn't dreamed that night so I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. I froze when I felt a eerily cold hand grip my shoulder, I turned around and saw Mizuha and his friends, their eyes were glowing red. I backed away from them but tripped, I went to get up but my left leg wouldn't move. I looked down and saw that I chan had appeared and was chaining my leg to the ground.

Mizuha and his friends began to surround me, they were all laughing and taunting.

'Sendou the clutz!' ' Sendou the loser'

'Sendou the useless freak' 'weirdo, idiot, useless' 'Sendou should just disappear'

They all chanted around me, I covered my ears and crouched on the ground.

"No.. I'm not! Just leave me alone!"

I cried, Mizuha pushed me over and stood on my chest.

"Sendou you're already alone, nobody cares for you"

"No you're lying.. I have my mom.."

The scenery suddenly changed from the sidewalk to a dark room with a light at the centre where I stood. Shadows of everyone were pointing and laughing at me, they began to somehow throws stones at me. I cried out in pain as the stones made contact with my body.

What did I ever do to deserve this!

One of the shadows came close to me and whispered into my ear.

"Your sin is life Sendou, you're not needed"

I saw blood flow out of me from where the stones hit me, I began to panic at the sight.

No! I don't want to die!

I want to live!

"Sendou you're lying to yourself, just give in and accept it"

No! Get out of my head! Please.... Just leave... Me.. Alone...

Just like always...

I woke abruptly, I was panting hard. I looked over at the clock and it read 5:06AM I could feel wetness on my face, I wiped it away with my hands noticing it was just my tears.

Me: chapter 3 is done~

Aichi: .... Useless

Me: don't think like that!

Aichi: it's true isn't it?

Me: no, you're wrong

Aichi: ... The only thing I do is live in fear...

Me: you've got your kind family!

Aichi: ......

Me: ...well anyway hope you liked the chapter!

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