Chapter 15 : Red comes for a visit

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Chapter 15 is here! Yayz I don't own Cardfight Vangaurd sadly Bushiroad does.. Which is very unfortunate... Anyway let the chapter begin! Caution~ Aichi is overly depressed more than usual~ with self esteem at zero%

I held the shard of glass delicately against my cheek as I took comfort within its presence. The sharpness felt all too familiar, reminding me of my favourite blade that I kept stored hidden in the back of my closet. I moved the shard of glass away from my cheek, I hadn't applied enough pressure to cut into my soft skin.

It glinted Eerily in the dim lighting of the ally, I smiled as I placed the glass on my arm.

I'm sorry mom, Emi... I'm going to disappoint you guys.. I'm just too much of a waste of space to be allowed to live..

Mom, you've always given me more love than I have deserved. You've always made me smile when I was sad, I don't think there will ever be a greater mom than you..

Emi, my dear little sister.. Watching you grow up as much as you have.. Filled me with such happiness. I'm glad that you're nothing like your failure of a big brother...I'm sorry I'm going to have to leave the both of you..

I slowly applied pressure on the glass shard that I had and smiled faintly at the sight of my old friend greeting me. It made me feel the calming sensation that red always granted me whenever it visits me. I looked at my arm feeling a little guilty, I had broken my promise to Naoki by allowing red to visit me.

I'm sorry Naoki.. I guess this means I'm back to being all alone once again.. Maybe once I'm gone, people in our class will start to acknowledge your existence again..

I once again brought the glass up towards my arm, I had found my resolve. I would no longer hesitate, I was going to go up towards the sky today. I laughed slightly, it was a dry laugh that had been sapped of all possible humour. I guessed that instead of heading towards the sky, I would probably end up going down to the depths of hell.

I'm a useless person who no matter what, causes more trouble than their worth... Isn't it only natural that I never make it to the clouds, I'm sorry for being such a failure in life...

I swiftly struck the shard against my pale skin, I winced at the throbbing stinging sensation that resonates from the new gash, it spread deeply from my forearm to my wrist. The crimson liquid that held my lifeline dripped fluently down my arm like a river, it scared me slightly but I swallowed my fear down. I wasn't going to allow my fear to overtake me after I had come so far, it seemed like it would be too late anyway.

I switched the hands that I was holding my helpful replacement for my trusted knife, My left arm had become too wet and sticky to inflict anymore damage towards it. I aimed the shard towards my right arm and struck down towards it, I but my lip as I surpassed the whimper of pain that tried to escape my mouth. It hurt yes, however the pain I felt inside me was more painful than the physical pain I've inflicted upon myself.

I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face as I smiled at my friend red, it had visited way more than usual this time. I didn't think it would go away anytime soon, the tears made my already blurring vision become even worse than before.

I truly didn't understand why my tears were falling, I didn't have anymore friends, and I had become a true disappointment for my family yet, I was afraid of disappearing.

The thought of never seeing my mom's smile or my sister's laugh scared me. The thought of leaving this world all alone hurt, I had no energy left however. It seemed as if it was too late, I couldn't save myself even if I had tried.

I sighed as everything around me began to fade into a deep and complete darkness as I felt my blood trickle with speed out of my veins, I smiled as I drifted into nothingness.

Me: chapter 15 is finished!

Aichi: ... It's a little short...

Me: that's cause it's a intended cliffy

Aichi: evil....

Naoki: Aichi! Where are you!!!!

Aichi: .... Gomen Naoki..

Naoki: Aichi?...

Aichi: ....

Me... Hope ya liked the chapter~ there's still a few chapters left~ estimated to be at least two more that I can think of~ maybe more hehe~

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