Chapter 5 : Why am I so calm?

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Chapter 5 is here! And of course I don't own cardfight vangaurd it's kind of obvious that Bushiroad owns it~ poor Aichi is jealous of Mizuha, wonder what'll happen~ anyway let the chapter start!

I sighed when Mizuha and his friends were out of my sight, I was glad that they couldn't sneak up behind me.

For once I'm the one behind them, maybe I should leave for school early more often. They don't expect me to be out yet and they never have their bags with them when they pick on me..

That must mean they drop them off at school than attack me.

I continued my way to school behind my worst enemy, I disliked Mizuha and I had every right to after what he had done to me. I shivered when I remembered my dream last night.

I guess I'll be seeing him in my dreams now as well as when I'm awake.. Can't I just have a safe place? Is it just too much to ask for?

I turned the corner on the street that I was on and froze, my blood ran cold. Mizuha I had bumped into Mizuha and his friends.

Shouldn't they be farther ahead?!

"Hey watch where you're going shrimp!"

Mizuha called, it seemed he didn't recognize me at first so I nodded and ran past him. I felt a tug on my backpack and I fell backwards, hitting my head on the hard cold cement.

"Haha Sendou! Did you really think we didn't recognize a blue haired shrimp like you?"

I could feel something wet trailing down the side of my head, I timidly place my hand at its source and looked at it, my eyes went wide at the crimson liquid on my fingers.

Blood?... I just fell didn't I?

I looked over at Mizuha and his friends, wondering what they were going to do to me next. They looked at me with wide eyes, their faces were pale like they had seen a ghost.

What's wrong? You've made me bleed before, what's so different about this time?

"I-I'm sorry Sendou.. I'll go get help just stay there!"

I didn't understand why Mizuha and his friends were freaking out, when they left I looked at the ground and saw there was a lot of blood.

Hey.. That's not good.. It's more than usual..

I had no idea why I felt so calm, I felt so peaceful as if I was in a trance. I put up my hood which was luckily red and carried on my way to school, I didn't want Mizuha and his friends to help me, not after all the pain they've caused me. I realized that I would get weird looks if my hands were bloody, I looked around for something to wipe them on but could find nothing.

I grimaced and left the blood, I knew that I could probably wait and rinse off in the river near the school. I then noticed that I could no longer feel the warm news of fresh blood dripping down the side of my head, I shrugged it off. I had heard that head injuries even if they are small tent to bleed a lot at first, I smiled at the thought that I had scared Mizuha.

Maybe I was lucky, I barely got beat in before school, I noticed the river and ran to it. I happily washed away the dried blood in my hands then washed away the mat of dried blood on my head. I frowned when I noticed that bits of my hair remained purple.

Great, how do I explain this? Maybe I could tell my mom I had a fight with a purple marker....

Didn't Mizuha say he was going to get help? What if my mom finds out? I don't want to worry her..

I'll just lie and smile, my mom cares for me enough to believe me.

I smiled at my idea, I looked at my watch and noticed that school was going to start soon, it surprised me how time went by so fast. I picked up my bag and began running to school, I was lucky that nobody picked on me again before I reached the safe haven of the classroom.

I saw that Mizuha and Mr. Sora look at me strangely when I arrived, I just smiled like everything was okay. I heard Mr. Sora scold Mizuha on something about lying, I had to stop myself from laughing or smirking at this. The look on Mizuha's face was hilarious, he had tears in his eyes, he turned towards me and glared. It didn't intimidate me like usual because of his tears.

Maybe this day won't be that bad after all, it seems Mizuha is afraid of large anoints of blood... If I utilize this knowledge, maybe I can find away to permanently ward him off.

Maybe I just need to be bleeding a lot for Mizuha to leave me alone, maybe I'll test this tomorrow.

Class went by in a breeze, I didn't risk eating my lunch today. It was just in case Mizuha had recovered from the sight of blood, I was going to test my theory tomorrow and if it did work, I was going to eat lunch in class for the first time in who knows how long. I couldn't stop myself from trembling in excitement.

I may end up getting rid of my bully problem!

When school ended I ran home quickly, I had absolutely no problems getting home. Which was probably due to the incident this morning.

"I'm home!"

I called as I opened the front door and walked in, my mom ran up to me and picked me up in a tight hug.

"Aichi.. You're in such a good mood! Did anything good happen?"

I shook my head and smiled happily at her.

"No mom, just the usual day at school"

My mom kissed me on the head then put me down, her eyebrow raised when she saw the patch of purple hair.

"Aichi why is some of your hair purple?"

I forced myself to laugh, I needed to make it look like I wa ms telling the truth.

"I got into a fight with a red marker"

My mom looked at me funny, I smiled trying to look embarrassed and my mom laughed.

"Oh Aich, that's so silly, please be more cautious next time"

I nodded then went to go have a shower, I looked into the bathroom window and lifted up my blue bang that was always sticking out. I frowned at the thin line with dried blood.

I'm lucky it was there instead of in an more visible place, if my mom saw this she'd cry.

I sighed then went into the steamy shower, I washed all the blood off of me then sat in the steaming room and thought.

Why was I so calm today? When I saw the blood I felt peaceful..

I looked over at a razor that was on the tub's side, I picked it up and examined it. I looked at my right arm, it was already covered in scratches from being bullied so it wouldn't be as noticeable.

I want to confirm something..

I gently pressed the blade against my skin, I made sure to avoid big veins because I didn't want to die and leave my family.

I winced when the blade broke skin and blood began to flow out of my arm, I watched it mingle with the water before it went down the drain. I felt calmness wash over me, I placed the blade back on the tub after rinsing it and sighed.

Why does blood calm me so easily? It makes others look in fear..

Me: that's the end of chapter 5!

Aichi: am I strange....?

Me: no... You just need something to make you feel better.

Aichi: Mizuha was terrified..

Me: isn't that a good thing?

Aichi: I guess... But still...

Me: aww don't think much about it Aichi!

Aichi: but...

Me: no buts! Anyway hope ya liked the chapter~

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