Chapter 21 : Friendly Classmates

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Chapter 21 is here its late... The reason is because I no wants this to end >.< ... But don't worry this isn't the last chappy~ anyway I sadly don't own cardfight vangaurd, Bushiroad does so let the chapter start!

Me, Naoki and Mizuha had spent the rest if time it took to walk to school chatting and getting to know each other better, it was fun. Mizuha turned out to be a very silly person and it surprised me that he was the one who had cause me so much pain before. Naoki on the other hand seemed to be very patio ate about things he liked, which kind of suited him.

When the school was in sight I stopped walking for a second, however Mizuha and Naoki smiled at me and slightly dragged me into the school halls. What greeted me shocked me, I felt so many paired of eyes on me as my two friends silently led me towards our classroom.

I peeked into the classroom, I was slightly embarrassed about how I left last time. Milla looked up from her seat and I was taken aback when she smiled at me.

"Hi Sendou! How are you?"

Her tone of voice didn't seem to be hiding any interior motives, I looked at Mizuha confused and he just smiled at me. In reality, I was a little creeped out with all the sudden attention towards me.

"Ah I'm okay.. How about you?.."

I replied as I entered the class and sat at my desk, Milla's eyes lit up.

"I'm great! And I hope you get better soon. Mizuha said you left because you had a terrible ear ache.. They hurt a lot, even I can't stop myself from tearing up hehe"

Ear ache? Mizuha made that excuse for why I left class yesterday?

I looked over towards Mizuha thankfully, he saved me a lot of trouble from trying to explain why I had left class the way I did.

The bell suddenly rand and the rest of the class entered the room, I got many kind smiles and faint nods from my classmates, it confused me. I hadn't been ignored by one person yet today.

Did Mizuha or Naoki do something? if so what did they do?

"All right class today were doing some group problem solving in class, everyone make a group"

Mr. Kiri announced after he had taken attendance, his glasses glinted slightly as a small smile crept across his face. I looked towards Mizuha and Naoki and went to go towards them, however I was stopped by some of my other classmates.

"Sendou you're gonna be in our group!"

Chiaki told me, he had black hair and eyes. He was standing beside Lynda and Suzuka, Lynda had red hair and green eyes while Suzuka had blond hair and grey eyes.

I looked at them in confusion, usually they were part of the group that used to ignore me, I glanced at Mizuha and he was smirking towards me.

So you did do something, I hope they aren't being nice to me because of pity..


I replied with a smile, which was greeted with a few shocked faces that quickly morphed into smiled.

"Heh you have a great smile Sendou"

Lynda laughed slightly, her comment made me feel happy, I wasn't used to complements from classmates so it had more impact than it would on a normal student.


The four of us worked together on the math problem, it was fun talking, comparing strategies, and ideas. I had never done so before so it felt a little refreshing. We were the first group to finish our problem.

Suzuka raised her hand excitedly as she called out that we had the answer, Mr. Kiri walked over to observe our formulas and nodded with a smile, he looked more happy than he should have been.

"You're answer is correct, feel free to talk amongst yourselves as we wait for the other groups to finish"

Mr. Kiri then left out table to go observe the others, Chiaki smiled at me. His charcoal eyes were beaming.

"Sendou you're way more fun than I thought you'd be! Mizuha told us to give you a chance.. I'm so glad we accepted because I never knew that you could smile so well and talk wel"

Suzuka pushed Chiaki out of the way and got up in my face with a grin.

"Chiaki's right, I can't believe we ignored such a nice person for so long! I never knew you could be so talkative!"

I moved slightly away, blushing faintly at the blond haired girl's closeness and compliment.

Mizuha, I've really got to repay you... Naoki too, because of you everything seems like it's settling down.

"Thanks.. That means a lot.."

I felt so happy, today many people were accepting me for who I was, I had never expected something like this to ever happen to me.

"Sendou... You've felt so much pain.."

I looked around confused, it wasn't anybody that I knew who had spoken yet the voice sounded familiar.

"Sendou what's wrong? Why're ya spacing out?"

Suzuka laughed, I looked at her confused, wondering what she was talking about.

"Didn't you hear that?"

Lynda cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"Hear what Sendou?"

"That voice"

Chiaki laughed and grabbed me only to mess up my hair.

"Silly Sendou playing tricks on us hehe"

What? They seriously didn't hear that?

Suddenly everything around me faded into nothingness, I looked around. It was weird, it felt like I had been here before.

Me: that's the end of chapter 21~

Aichi: so many new faces... But what has happened?....

Me: secret~ hehe you'll find out next chappy

Aichi: where's Naoki and Mizuha?

Me: they died...

Aichi: what?!?

Me: it's a joke ^_^

Aichi: >.> that wasn't nice

Me: hehe anyway hope ya enjoyed the chapter~

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