"Aren't you coming mom?" Rafaela asked as Cynthia remained sat.

"I thought you didn't want me to." She said getting up. "Don't you think it's a matter of you and James alone?

"I also want you there with me." Rafaela told her.

They got inside an office and a woman in her forties with glasses greeted them.

"I'm doctor Johnson." She introduced herself shaking their hands one at a time, then she motioned a hand to the chairs in front of her desk and she sat down. "So, what brings you here?" She asked looking down at a file she had in her hands. "Who's Rafaela?"

"I am." Rafaela said shyly.

"So, you're pregnant...do you know of how much time?"

"No... I just found out yesterday..." She said in a low tone. All of a sudden she felt intimidated.

"When was your last menstruation?"

"It was in May, I can't precise the day. Maybe around 15...I am not sure."

The doctor looked down at a calendar and began to make some calculations. "Well, if it was on the 15, you're around six weeks pregnant now."

"It might be, I am not really sure." Rafaela said trying to remember.

"How old are you Rafaela?"

"19" She said. The doctor looked up at her.

"I assume this was an accident right? " The doctor said and Rafaela nodded. "So, I need to know if you do any type of drugs, you know..."

"No... I don't do drugs. I used to smoke but I stopped some months ago. I drink but it is the occasional drink, it's not like I have alcohol every day." She explained.

"You're the father?" The doctor turned to James.

"Yes." He said.

"Do you do any type of drugs, please... I need to know the truth so I can help you, so please none of you lie to me." The doctor warned.

"No, I don't do drugs, I don't smoke and well... I drink alcohol but it's not like I get drunk every day or anything." James said.

"Ok..." The doctor said absently as she wrote the information down. "Now...let's check on you Rafaela." Rafaela got up and so did James and her mother. "Just her for now, then I'll call you too when I'll check the baby ok?" The doctor said and Cynthia and James both sat back down.

Dr. Johnson checked Rafaela and then called her company inside. She was already lied on a stretcher with a sheet covering her legs and her belly showing. The doctor offered the two chairs by Rafaela's side and Cynthia and James sat down on it, then she spread the gel over her belly and began the scan. Three pairs of eyes staring at the screen expectantly but nothing was showing up.

"Since you're just pregnant for a couple of weeks sometimes it is hard to find the baby." The doctor smiled feeling Rafaela was getting a bit nervous. "There it is...." The doctor said pointing at the screen. "See that dot over here?" They nodded. "That's your baby, he's the size of a blueberry." She said and both James and Rafaela cracked a laughter. "I'm gonna try to hear the heart beat now."

James and Rafaela gazed at each other and smiled. "We're going to have a blueberry." He whispered making her giggle and Cynthia witnessed all that in silence. Suddenly fast beeps began to be heard.

"What is this?" Rafaela asked curling an eyebrow.

"This is your baby's heart beat. It's strong and it's fast, seems like everything is alright."

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