Chapter Twenty Two

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~ Chapter Twenty Two~

Ellie's P.O.V.

"Anyone! Please, anyone out there!" 

It had been a long minute since we heard that plea. It was not a voice of ours, nor a voice of someone we knew. It must've been one of the others that the 'game master' talked about.

"We have to help them," Carl whispered, urging to run to whoever needed help. 

Michonne shook her head, "It's too risky, we can't endanger our lives for just one person."

"Ellie, please? We need to go."

I was in a dilemma. Although I loved Carl, I loved him too much to let him risk his life for a stranger. I didn't want to reject his asking of wanting to help others, but I simply didn't want him getting hurt for no reason. As I was about to say no, another voice joined the plea, this one creating more of a chill in my spine. 

"Mommy? No, don't do that!" 

The voice was desperate, sounding like the person was drowning in tears. I was almost positive it was a little girl.

With a shake of her head and a long sigh, Michonne muttered, "We only help these people, but if they try something, I won't hesitate to cut their heads off from the necks."

And we were off. Off trying to locate the sound of the voice, trying to help a person, or people, in need. I could tell Carl was satisfied, because that was in his nature, to help other people. I was only curious to find out who these people were and how they survived despite having - what sounded like - a young child.

Through corners and halls, we ran, but after minutes of trying to locate the voices, we gave up. I leaned my hands on my knees, stopping to catch my breath. 

"I'm sorry Carl, at this point, I don't think there's much we can do for whoever that was," Michonne apologized, wiping droplets of sweat from her forehead. 

Carl slowly nodded his head, looking despicable and solemn. He seemed as if he was about to say something else, but he shook his head. "Let's just try making our way to them as fast as we can. The sooner we find them, the better our chances are of finding a way out of here."

Carl's P.O.V.

Was I turning crazy? I was sure of myself.

The voice I heard was definitely Maggie's, but the little girl asking 'Mommy' didn't seem to make sense. I didn't recognize that voice either.

If Michonne heard, she would've known Maggie's voice. Maybe she forgot? No, we were like family, it would've been impossible for her not to remember.

I decided to keep my mouth shut as we walked through the lonesome halls again. It felt like the most boring routine of my life, seeing the same plain grey walls within every turn and corner. Although I wasn't starving, I wasn't feeling quite full on a satisfied level.

"Carl?" I lifted my head to look at Ellie. "Are you alright?"

I nodded, giving an edge to my smile. I reached my hand toward Ellie and she gladly took it in hers, interlocking our fingers while walking side by side. 

She made my worries go away just like that.

Ellie's P.O.V.

After two days of the 'shortcut', which actually turned out to be the longest walk of my life, my knees were shaking from exhaustion. Michonne noticed and she told us to stay and sit for a while since it wouldn't do us any good once we've found each other and I faint from tiredness.

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