Chapter Fourty Two

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~ Chapter Fourty Two ~

Ellie's P.O.V.

I've always wondered when my strongest moment was. Was it when I was alone and had to kill the infected? Or when I was alone and had to fight off people, cannibals? It surely must've been the time I got shot in my shoulder socket, right?

The strongest moment in my life, when I had to muster up the most courage not to break down and cry, was the day I didn't say goodbye to Carl. And surprisingly enough, I didn't let him see me shed a single tear.

We both knew that we wouldn't be seeing each other for a long time, but we both knew that we didn't know if we'd ever see each other at all. This could've been our last moment together, and we'd wasted it not saying our goodbyes. We were both too stubborn to say that stupid word.

As everyone packed their belongings, I stayed outside tending to the van. Abraham was nice enough to give us the mode of transportation, he said he would find one soon enough. Maria gladly took it and that put us one step faster to heading to New York. One step farther away from Carl.

Rick, Michonne, Daryl and Carol said their goodbyes to Maggie, Glenn, Sasha and Bob. I was surprised that all three of Michonne, Daryl and Carol stayed beside Rick. Their loyalty must've been like a pack to its alpha. Inseparable.

Joel stuffed our belongings at the trunk, giving us space at the seats. Maria, Julio and Aaron were already walking to the van to find their seats, getting comfortable. They already parted their ways with everyone, while Joel and I still had a ways to go.

"We'll find you once we've found my daughter," Rick patted Joel on the back. "New York, was it? Ask for the fireflies and look for a community with brick walls and an electric fence?"

Joel nodded, "And we'll patiently wait for all of your arrivals."

"T'was a pleasure walking alongside you Joel, you're a good man."

"I'd say the same to you," Joel smiled, his happiness crinkled his eyes. And although everyone knew all the things Rick had done, Joel really meant it.

Daryl came around to give Joel a handshake that only men knew, and Michonne and Carol came around to give him a slight side hug. I received two warm hugs from the lovely ladies and waved goodbye to Melanie, who was joining Abraham for the trip. Daryl came and handed me one of his arrows, "You made plenty for me, now keep it. You don't go forgettin' about us, alright?"

I smiled and nodded when I took the slim piece of wood from his hands.

"Carl?" Michonne called from where we were. My heart started pacing fast with each step he took towards us. Towards me. I saw his Adam's apple bob up and down as he gulped down air in anxiousness. "Have you said your goodbyes already?"

"I won't need to," he stated, keeping his eyes set on mine as he spoke. "I'll see them again, I swear."

Michonne smiled and the four of them left to give us privacy. Joel raised an eyebrow with a grin and headed into the van. Now, I was the last person to get in.

"So uh," Carl coughed in between breaths. "You're going now?"

I nodded, my face unable to wither in sadness. I had to stay strong.

"I'll, uh, see you soon," he spoke as he placed his hand behind his neck.

It was a moment. Just one moment of us standing there that made me feel like wanting to time travel back to when we'd just met. One moment of wanting to hold him as if the sun would explode and shatter Earth into a million pieces. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

And just like that, the moment was gone. Disappearing into the abyss of 'ifs' and 'maybes'.

Carl was the first to turn around, breaking eye contact. I watched him walk away imaginably slowly and then I sucked in some air and turned around, myself. Before I reached the door to the van, Carl yelled my name. I turned my head and saw him jog towards me with desperation in his eyes.

"They'll all probably see this, but I don't care," he breathed before he placed his lips on mine.

His tongue plunged through my teeth as he explored my mouth and held my face in his capable hands. He tasted like blood with a mix of apple juice. My hands found its way to his arms and we stayed there, for just one more moment.

I never really knew how strong I was in that moment, until I watched him walk away for good, breaking down to be the weakest girl I'd ever been.

{Author's Note}

Sorry about that short update, but here's just a slight update for everyone!

I mistook the length of this book by a loooot of chapters. I actually thought it would end around this time, but it might take around ten to twenty more.

In the next few chapters, you'll be reading from Ellie's diary, so please don't be confused. I'm going to focus on Carl's point of view from now on.

But anyways, 9k reads and I'm so grateful. Thank you guys!

Happy reading!


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