Chapter Fourty Five

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~ Chapter Fourty Five ~

Carl's P.O.V.

"Where is she?" Beth asked, referring to Carol.

Dad shook his head in the glint of the light, "we don't know. She might've been taken by one of the men they have out there in perimeter watch. Either way, she's not here with us and that's all the hope we need."

"She's smart. Ain't no one getting her without a fight," Daryl grunted, taking a seat on the ground.

It was true, but the cannibals were smart too. Carol wouldn't be able to stand a chance out there alone with ten gunmen surrounding her. Suddenly, my hope started wavering.


For about a day or two, nothing happened. They would shove food - that smelled surprisingly delicious - in our train car, but we knew better. Although, we were weaker since we didn't have any energy in us. The only energy that kept us going was from the water, and from fear of dying in a box.

At first we didn't see anything when we heard footsteps from the outside, but suddenly something was thrown in, and before we knew it, the box was filling up with smoke. I, along with everyone else, grew unconscious within the minute.

I woke up in the same spot I lied down on and looked around. One. Two. No. There were only two bodies near me. Scrambling, I stood up and shook Beth and Michonne awake.

"Dad and Daryl are gone!" I informed them, Michonne's eyes opening quickly in alertness. "I-I don't know what happened, I didn't see anything-"

"Shh, it's alright Carl. They're going to be alright," Michonne pulled me close and I sobbed quietly in her arms. I heard from her tone that she was not only trying to reassure me, but herself as well.

Beth stood up beside us and looked around as if forgetting where she was, for a moment.

"What if they," I was breathing fast. "What if they kill them? No. Worse. Torture them?"

Michonne patted my back out of comfort and released me, looking straight into my eyes. "We are going to get them back, alright?"

After that, we waited about an hour. It seemed like an hour, since time went by slowly in the box. With basically no options, you could either try making a weapon out of anything that could be a weapon, or just count the seconds away.

I was in the middle of counting Mississippis when we heard a boom. No, we didn't just hear it. We felt the damn thing. It felt like a huge bomb, or the wave of an earthquake. Either way, the ground moved and the three of us shared the same look.

Before long, gunshots were erupting from all around us, and I found it even harder to breathe. What was going on? Did dad do something stupid?

More gunshots went off as screams from the outside became clearer. I heard static and then heard the conversation of a man outside of our train car. "I'm outside A now, already placed."

"Good. Now stay there, you hear me?" The voice from the walkie talkie replied.

Michonne stayed near the door and tried to catch a glimpse of something. Anything. But she had no luck. Beth and I were both trying to grab courage from each other, only finding that both of ours were running out.

My eyes squinted from the light when the door to the train car opened and out hopped Michonne. I saw a familiar hand reach in and I couldn't help but sigh a breath of relief as Dad ushered us out of the train car.

Daryl was outside as well as we quickly ran out, wondering but not asking about what the hell had just happened. Dad handed me a gun and then handed one to Beth as well. Michonne and Daryl were already ahead of us, shooting walkers that were in the way. It looked odd, Daryl with a gun.

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