Chapter Five

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~ Chapter Five ~

Ellie's P.O.V.

Waking up had never been so painful in my entire life. My left arm felt as if there had been a thousand needles punctured into it. On top of that, my shoulders were as immobile as a rusty joint. I got up and saw Joel sitting on the chair.

"Joel?" I asked. His head lifted up, and I saw his tear strained face. I also noticed the blood stains on his hands, now dry and brown from time. I wondered if it was his blood, but he seemed to be perfectly fine.

"Ellie!" He enveloped me in a hug. "I thought you were going to turn into one of those things!"

I laughed, wrapping my arms around him, "So you do care about me huh?"

"She's alive, thank goodness," a voice said. I turned around and looked at the door. Leaning on it was the woman from Carl's group. Her hands were bloody as well, but redder than Joel's, indicating a more recent activity.

"Thank you Michonne," Joel whispered. "I don't know what I would've done."

She nodded with a polite smile and left the room, her katana still slung on her back.

"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"You got shot by the stupid boy because he thought you were one of the infected. He said you fell and hit your head hard on the concrete so you had a bit of a concussion. Michonne offered to bandage up your wounds, and she did. She saw your bite mark and she almost impaled you, but I explained to her everything that happened. She won't tell anyone about it. On the other note, the gunshots drew a hell of a lot more infected than I thought, and now we're stuck in this school surrounded by hundreds," he explained.

"Well that's something I definitely want to wake up to," I grunted, making a move to stand up off the desk. As I did, pain shot through every nerve of my body, willing me to stay still.

"We're holding off the infected at the fence. You're going to stay here until we're done. Your arm hasn't healed yet, and moving it would make it worse than it already is," Joel instructed, already standing up to arm himself and leave.

I didn't want to disagree with what he said - my arm hurt like hell. Every time I moved it, my joint would feel displaced. When we walked to the main doors I looked outside to see how bad it was. Bad would be an understatement of what was going on out there. Outside was full on terrifying.

The fence had already tilted because of the weight the infected were putting on it. Everyone behind me saw, and gasped. I closed the door, careful not to alarm anybody else.

"Oh my, what's going on out there?" Delaney asked. She was the old woman we found on the streets in front of the hospital one day. They - being the supposedly 'nice' doctors and nurses - left her out to die because she had cancer and they didn't want to use their leftover medicine to cure her during the apocalypse. We took her in, having a little bit of humanity left in us. Although she'd fought as hard as any one could, we knew her end was drawing near. We just didn't feel like telling her.

"We're fine, just stay in your room and lock the door please," I asked kindly. She nodded and dragged her bare feet to her room and did exactly as I said.

The door swung open and all of them came running in.

"What's happening now?!" I demanded all too rushed, almost begging for answers.

They were all out of breath, sweat pouring down the sides of their temples, but Carl's dad spoke up. "The second fence came loose. They're just outside of the school now."

At that moment hands started banging on the door. The infected.

The mere sound of their wails and moans gave a tingle up my spine. There was only one door and one wall separating us from being devoured by one of the dead. This wouldn't end well.

"We've got to come up with something, and do it now!" Joel stated.

"I've got a plan," Michonne volunteered.

I sure hoped her plan was good enough to save us all.

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