Author's Note

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Important Author's Note

This story is based on people from The Walking Dead (TV Show) and The Last Of Us (Video Game). Other characters are just a figment of my imagination. If you would like to know more about the characters, feel free to watch the show and/or play the game. If you don't have the longing to buy the game, you could simply search it up and watch a commentator play through it (Pewdiepie is the best, in my opinion).

I understand that I've twisted the characters' personalities a little bit, but not to the full extent.

Please understand if I make a mistake about the history of these people, I don't know them enough to make this story perfect.

I appreciate all comments, the good and the bad. Constructive criticism always helps!

So if you see a mistake, please point it out! Grammar nazis are always welcome! :]

~ QB

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