Chapter Eighteen

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~ Chapter Eighteen ~

Ellie's P.O.V.

I couldn't wrap my head around what he was telling us. For a moment, the world spun, making my vision blurry and my brain dizzy. I was in a state of denial, and surely, I wasn't the only one.

"The building you are about to enter is called The Undead Labyrinth. Many wonders await your upcoming adventure. Prepare for dazzling suspense, gruesome tasks and emotional recovery as you make your way through endless obstacles. With every twist and turn of this maze, you'll find yourself breathless but needing to run all over again. You will be divided in a group of two, with fair chances of surviving, and as a group, you will need to find your way to the end of the labyrinth unharmed. If you succeed, many rewards anticipate you."

The taunting voice kept giving me chills as I wrapped my arms around myself, eager to get out of this place.

"The hell makes you think we're going in there?" Daryl yelled, flailing his arms in rage.

"I'm afraid I didn't make myself clear. I have five sharpshooters recruited from one of the greatest troops in the Navy Seals. They can kill the eight of you in seconds with a shot to the head, no bullets wasted. Now, get started, shall we?"

None of us spoke as the latches on the gate unlocked by themselves, creating a small crack in between. Carl swiftly took my hand in his again, squeezing it as if to reassure me that everything was going to be okay. Nothing in the world was okay anymore, but I gave him the best fake smile I could muster up.

"Would the four grown men care to push the gates aside please? All eight of you need to enjoy the beautiful interior of the labyrinth's introduction." 

"Is this some kind of a sick joke? We have a toddler with us," Michonne stated, Kenzie still in her arms.

"We will gladly take care of that. Only after all of you have stepped inside."

Slowly, Joel and Daryl walked in first, Carl, Michonne and I were next and Rick and Harvey followed from behind. Inside, there was no natural sunlight whatsoever. The walls were made of concrete, and the roof was concrete made as well, just as Daryl had predicted. It looked like a jail cell, except there was a steel table with two bags placed on it, and there were two closed doors behind.

"Consider this the beginning. From now on, you may refer to me as the game master. Anything you say and do will be recorded by the cameras all around the labyrinth. If you do not comply with the rules, you will immediately get executed, no matter what reason."

"What kind of rules are you talking about here?" Harvey yelled, watching as the huge gates behind us locked by itself. It must've had a remote to control it.

"You will slowly find out the rules as you go along the maze. Now, it is time for you all to open the contents of what's inside the two bags. You will then have to choose someone out of the seven of you to stay with the toddler. In five minutes, those two separate doors will open. At that time, I will decide who goes through which door. For now, take out what is in the bags, examine everything and put the contents back inside."

The voice kept giving us chills. I could basically feel the dreadful looks on everyone's face. 

Harvey was first to open the bag on the left, Daryl followed by unzipping the bag on the right. As they took the contents out, one by one, we figured out they were basically the same thing.

"Water bottles, dried fruits, and some whole wheat bread. After that, we got a flashlight, a small medical kit and some batteries. What do you got there?" Harvey asked, putting the things back in the bag, careful not to damage anything valuable.

"Same thing, food, batteries, flashlight, and a medical kit. What was he blabbering on about anyway? We gotta pick someone to stay with the toddler?" Daryl huffed, clearly not amused with what was in the bag.

"I don't understand it as well, but we'll learn along the way," Rick insisted, reloading his revolver.

I looked at its cylinder and slowly spoke, "Rick, please tell me you have more ammo to fill that thing up."

With a disappointed look, Rick shook his head, confirming my dead hopes. 

"I'll stay with Kenzie. Hell, she's my niece and I've known her the longest out of all of y'all. I don't know what's going to happen, but I'll protect her," Harvey spoke, making us turn our heads his way.

"And what makes you think he won't shoot you dead when we leave those doors?" Joel questioned, pointing at the two closed doors ten feet away from us.

"I don't, but it's better than any of y'all doing it. I ain't splitting any families apart. You folks got to be together, and if I die, so be it. At least I know I died trying to protect Quinn's kid."

I looked away in silence. With the horrifying mood and quiet atmosphere, they were making it worse than it already was. Everyone was quiet afterwards, waiting to hear the 'game master's' voice. We were ready to face what was next.

"Great, it's all set and done now. You, the one holding the toddler, would you be so kind and announce your name?"


"In a moment when these doors are open, I want you to step back with the toddler. Get away from the doors as much as you can to prevent from getting cut by lasers. Now, I will record all of your names. The six of you, please align yourselves horizontally, facing the doors and not the gates."

We did as we were told and stood in a line. Carl and Joel were beside me, both of them looking tough and unbreakable. I gave out a quiet sigh, trying to get myself ready for what was behind those doors.

"Recite your names, starting with the woman with the sword. Oh, pardon my choice of words, Katana."







"My, my, what a great collection of names do I have! In ten seconds, these doors will open. I advice you to listen closely when I tell you who goes through which door. If you fail to leave this room in those ten seconds, you will be cut by the laser beams I have built in through the walls. If you'd like to prevent that, please listen closely and obey. Daryl, Rick and Joel. Please line up in front of the door on your left. Michonne, Carl, and Ellie. Please line up in front of the door on your right. Daryl and Michonne, please grab the bags I have provided."

As if on cue, the doors opened, shining a bright light. I struggled to keep my eyes open, squinting outside. The light looked natural, it wasn't fluorescent or anything. It seemed as if it was coming from the sun.

"You have ten seconds to walk through those doors in the groups I have recited. Failure to do so could possibly cause death, if you can't survive the tortures of being cut a thousand times by burning hot beams. Other than that, I hope the six of you find your ways toward each other in the maze."

Without even having a chance to say goodbye, a monotone voice started speaking, it's voice ringing throughout the cold, barren room. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six- I took one last look at Joel, who gave me a strong nod, letting me know that we'd find each other again.

"Let's go, let's go!" Michonne ushered, and we were through the doors in no time. Outside of the door, in the middle of what looked like a concrete hallway, we waited until the end of the countdown. Three, two, one. 

At the sound of one, the door closed, shutting us out from the outside world.

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