War of Change

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Sakura pov

"Up ahead. Something big just happened." Jugo said.
"A lot of chakra signatures just disappeared. Someone has huge chakra." Karin said, I nodded. I hope Sasuke is safe. 'Focus Sakura!' My inner screamed.

Once we reached the battlefield my breath caught in my throat. Bodies of ninja from all the villages laid around along with tons of dead Zetsu. "Sakura-chan!!" Came Naruto's hyper voice. He appeared out of thin air, his body glowed yellow. He wrapped me in a tight hug. "Ugh Naruto put me down please." I groaned.

He smiled and sat me down, "Where's Sasuke? And who are these two?" He asked looking back at Jugo and Karin.
Kakashi sensie appeared next to Naruto.

"It's nice to see you. But Naruto less talk more fighting please." He said. From behind him a loud roar echoed, large black creature's started to sprout from the ground and started attacking our ninja. "Where's Tsunade-sama?" I asked looking around.

"The kage are fighting Madara." Kakashi said, I frowned because the man in the mask stood behind the black creature's.
"Then who's the masked man?" I asked.

"I think I know but I'll have to get closer to find out." Kskashi said. I punched my fist into my palm, "Alright time to get to work." We ran threw enemy after enemy, taking down Zetsu after Zetsu. I smashed a large black creature threw the ground, Naruto jumped over head and attacked multiple ninja. Then he disappeared while I faced down seven different ninja, the seven ninja swordmen from the hidden mist village.

Lee and Guy sensie stood by my side, "Alright these ninja are very skilled, but I think us three together can take them on." Guy said giving a pose.

"Not to be disrespectful sensie but I think we should split them up and take them out separately." I said, he stared at me, then nodded. He threw a paper bomb kunai into the group and as it exploded they split up.

The next hour was a blur of fighting and healing ninjas until out of no where a huge tree sprouted in the middle of the battlefield. A man with short grey hair and a pale body stood in front of it.

"Behold my power! I am Obito Uchiha!" He yelled, the man named Madara stood at his side. Naruto rushed toward him and I followed suit with the other rooky nine.

Nothing could stop us, Kakashi sensie took Obito away but not until after Madara hurt Naruto then disappeared. I sat over him with my hands a glow trying to heal him, but his heart beat started to fade.

"No! Naruto!!!" I screamed. Then deep down in my gut, something snapped. Pain flared threw my stomach, something has happened to Sasuke.

Kakashi pov

Standing in the alternate reality that I had created for my old teammate , I stared at him and what he has become.

"What's wrong Kakashi? The guilt to much for you? Knowing that you killen Rin." He asked as he stood in front of me.

"I didn't mean to do that Obito, you know that I didn't. She loved me, is this the only reason you returned to talk about Rin?" I asked, growing inpatient. He started to laugh and tell me how he was saved from the rubble then trained with the real Madara, then he saw me kill his love with a chidori threw the heart.

"You don't understand Obito, you weren't really paying attention."
"Your right Kakashi! I was to busy training to crush you and that pathetic village that turned their back on me." He growled. I ran forward and with a swift movement I sent a chidori threw his stomach but instead of blood spewing and his guts being torn to pieces, only a large hole was made.

"Looks familiar, right Kakashi!? This is what you did to her!" He said as we got into a heated hand to hand fight. He threw strong swift punches that I blocked then returned.

"This war doesn't have to end with you dying!" I yelled but then one of his strikes hit me causing me to fall backwards.

"This war will end when everyone is under my genjutsu. When will you understand that until everyone is told what to do that there will always be hate and pain. Under my genjutsu everyone would live in peace." He said.

I stood, "What happened to your dream Obito? Your dream of being hokage?" I asked, his eyes widened and he searched for an answer. But I continued before he could, "My students out there fighting against you and Madara, they want peace. There's one that shares your dream and he would do anything to keep it from dying." I said remembering Sakura, the happy one of the group who trained under princess Tsunade. Sasuke, the avenger who even tho he left the village, I could see last time I saw him that he was changing for the better. Then there's Naruto, the knuckle head. Who trained to find his lost friend and to become hokage. I couldn't lose here because I have to survive long enough to see them all together again, as Team 7 once again.

Obito frowned at me. "His names Naruto Uzumaki, and he wants to become hokage. To make peace threw out the ninja world. I'll do anything to watch that dream of his come true, im sorry for all thats happened between us Obito but I won't let you destroy anymore lives or Narutos dream." I said.
"I'll give you one last chance, come with me and help." He gave me a sad look.

Sasuke pov

We arrived at the battlefield and it looked bad. I looked around for Naruto or Sakura but I saw no one I recognized, The kage's were quiet. Then an explosion caught my attention. A man with long black hair and red armor ran threw the army.

"Oh my kami!" The first hokage said.

"That's Madara!" The second growled.

"But how? He's dead?" The first hokage said.

"Let's take him down!" I growled. I started down onto the battlefield, when the third stopped me.

"Sasuke, Madara is very strong." he said. I ran forward toward him, "Fire style:Fireball jutsu!" I growled. Fireballs flew at Madara but he laughed and his blue susano swatted them away.

"Sasuke Uchiha? What brings you here? Come to join my side?" He asked putting his hands on his hips.

"No. I'm here to stop you. And I've brought some help." I said as the first hokage dropped down beside me.

"Hishirama...so they brought you back huh?" Madara asked.

"Madara, why are you here? This war isn't for us?" The first said. Madara laughed and without another word he kicked the first back into the rocks, I withdrew my sword and ran at Madara but he turned and in a quick movement he swung at me but I dodged then hit him in the face.

He groaned then with a swift movement he hit me in the gut, picked me up and stabbed me threw the chest with my own sword. My eyes widened, "What a waste, you could have been of use to me." Then like that he dropped me turned and started fighting with the second hokage. My breathing started growing shallow, before I faded into the darkness my mind remembered the touch of my pink haired love. The feel of making love to her and kissing her, holding her hand. It can't end like this, I wish I could have just seen her one more time, before my eyes closed I saw the sunset. Then in my mind the smile of my cherry blossom, I gave a smile then faded into the darkness.

The End.

(A/N: Sorry if the ending sucked. But I hope you enjoyed the second installment of Cherry Blossem series. And Thank you all my readers and especially AmericaS16. Thank you goodbye.)

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