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Sasuke p.o.v

I ran full speed at Danzo. My chidori exploded to life, I thrusted it at him but just as quickly he raced by me and I heard Karin scream. I turned and sighed, Danzo stood behind Karin and held her in a head lock.

"You who extolled life would take a hostage?" I asked.

"It's not that I find my life to precious, but for the sake of the leaf village, I cannot die here." He gasped.

"" Groaned Karin.
I closed my eyes and started to breath slowly, "Stay still Karin." I said. I thrusted my hand forward sending my chidori blade threw Karin's chest and into Danzo as well. "One down big brother." I said.

Her eyes widened and she gashed, Danzo groaned and dropped her. He began to stagger away but Madara stopped him.

"Give it up Danzo. You could still use that eye for Izanami. But either way you won't make it away from here alive." He said. Danzo yelled as a black seal formed on his skin then exploded causing a circle to be carved into the once flawless bridge.

"A tetra seal. Hmm." Madara said. Then he looked over at me then at Karin. "Kill her if your not going to use her anymore, she know's to much. Then return to the hideout to rest." He said before taking Danzo's body and warping away with it.

I walked silently over to Karin's side and withdrew a kunai. Tears streamed out of her eyes, "Please....." She mumbled.

I glared at the weak creature and said, "If your slow enough to get caught and taken hostage then your no use to me." I brought down the kunai when a voice stopped me.

"Sasuke!" I turned and saw her, my cherry blossom. Her pink hair blew in the breeze and her bright emerald eyes were fixed on me. "Sakura. What on earth are you doing here?" I asked

Sakura pov

His voice hadn't changed, his eye's have tho. His cold onyx eyes bore into me, I took a step forward. "Sasuke what are you doing? Why would you hurt that girl?" I asked, my gaze slid to the injured girl who laid next to Sasuke's feet.

"She grew weak and no longer helped my cause." He growled. Then his eyes became a little brighter, "Sakura, why are you here?" He asked again.
"I want to help you Sasuke. In any way you need it." I said taking a step toward him.

He gave a smirk, "Really? In any way huh?" He asked walking around behind me, which for an unknown reason made me blush. "Yes in anyway."I replide.

"Ok then kill her." He muttered in my ear which made me shiver. I slowly took out a kunai and walked toward the girl, as I knelt down beside her all she did was glance at me. I heard Sasuke say something behind me but as I turned to ask what he said, Kakashi sensie appeared kicking him sideways off the side of the bridge.

"Kakashi-sensie!?" I gasped.
"Heal the girl, I'll take care of him." He said jumping over the side after Sasuke, who I hoped was ok.

Quickly I began healing the girl. I could hear the battle between Sasuke and Kakashi-sensie raging below the bridge. After healing her, I ran and leapt off the side of the bridge and landed right behind Sasuke, who was rubbing his eyes and shaking his head.

I frowned and took a step toward Sasuke, who jumped in alarm and turned grabbing me by the throat and raised me in the air.

"Sasuke don't!" I heard Kakashi yell, Sasuke took out a kunai and swung it at me but in a flash of orange I was now in the arms of Naruto. He sat me down and glared at our ex teammate.

"Sasuke, Sakura's part of team 7."

"That's former team 7 for me. And I wasn't trying to hurt her. My eye sight must have used to much ocular jutsu's when I killed Danzo." My eyes widened, had Sasuke really killed Danzo?

Kakashi hit Sasuke and he sailed backwards but skidded harmlessly against the water. Naruto formed a rasangan and charged toward Sasuke, who in turn created a chidori and rushed toward Naruto. Naruto was thrown backwards but thankfully Kakashi caught him. Then out of no where, the masked man that was at the hokage summit appeared by Sasuke's side, along with a guy who was really pale and had green hair.

"I thought I told you to go and rest." The masked man said as he glanced down at the beaten and battered Uchiha. I ran forward toward him, wanting to stay with him desperately. The masked man started to swirl and teleport away as I jumped into Sasuke's arm's. The last thing I heard was Naruto yelling my name.

To be cont....

Cherry Blossom series: Sunset (2-Revised)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu