The Summit

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Sakura p.o.v

"But sir, lady Tsunade said..."

"It no longer matters what Tsunade thinks, I am the one in charge and I say that your group is no longer needed." Danzo said. My anger grew."I have my own body guards, now go!" He commanded. I gave a small nod and left with a huff.

"What now Sakura?" Sai asked after I told him what Danzo had said. I shrugged, "I don't know! But we have to be at that summit, maybe Naruto can..."

"Naruto is gone. He went to train with a new sensie." Kiba said. I threw up my hands in annoyance, "Fine I give up then." I said frustrated.

"Don't give up. We will find a way to get there." Lee spoke. I gave him a sad look. None of them understood why I needed to get to that summit, and I was going to keep it that way for now.

Sasuke p.o.v

"You ready Sasuke?" Madara asked. I looked back at my team, they all nodded.
"Let's go." I said. We traveled a long way and as much as I would have liked to travel in silence, Suiegetsu had other plans.

"You guys no what to call a dog with no legs?"He asked. I ignored him and continued to walk but Karin sighed and answered, "Fine what do you call it?"

"It doesn't matter. It won't come anyway." He started to laugh. We were all silent until Karin yelled in frustration and turned kicking Suiegetsu in the face. Jugo sighed and walked closer to me, "So Sasuke, What exactly is the plan?" He asked his tone reeked seriousness.

"Find Danzo and destroy him. That's it." I growled. As we grew closer Madara reappeared. "Just inside is the Kage. Be careful Sasuke." He said. I pushed past him and immediately was met with a legion of Samurai. They rushed toward me but with a quick action I sliced threw them and continued on. As we grew closer and closer more samurai appeared. As Suiegetsu sliced threw the last group he stood and wiped his forhead.

"Guy's where are the Kage?" He asked.
"Guy's hide!!" Karin yelled from behind us. The ceiling exploded as three people erupted from above. They landed with loud thud and cracked the ground, as the dust cleared a giant of a man stood before me.

"Your the Uchiha scum that attack Bee!" He yelled.
"The giant in the middle is the Raikage. The other two are his lackeys. Be careful his speed is unmatched." Jugo spoke from my side.

One of the man at the bigger man's side made some hand signs and yelled, "Blinding light pillar jutsu!" Bright light blinded me and Jugo then in the blink of an eye Jugo screamed, "Sasuke!!"

"Easy Jugo. It's just a genjutsu." I spoke and crouched down. I bearly saw the Raikage and the other man he was with appear infront of me. My eyes widened as he raised his arm to smash me. As his arm flew down toward me Jugo and Suiegetsu appeared and blocked his hit.

"Damn man. This guys strong." He said as we all skidded backwards.

The monster of a man glared at me, the guy in black ran toward me but Suiegetsu blocked his blade with his broken own. I stood and smiled as Jugo allowed his curse mark to take over then he laughed and exploded forward toward the Raikage smashing him into the wall.

I ran forward just as Jugo ended up getting smashed into the wall by the Raikage.

"Hmph little brat. Your no where close to being a match for me." He growled. I jumped and kicked him backwards. My sharigan swirled as he cracked his neck.

"Your nothing special Uchiha brat." He yelled running at me, making hand signs my chidori roared to life around my hand and I rushed toward him letting my hatred release.

We were inches apart, either he was going down or he was taking me down. I thrusted my hand forward and he roared then there was an explosion. I did a back flip and skidded backwards. The Raikage landed away from me and growled, "I had it handled this isn't your place to butt in Kazakage!" He roared.
I gave an evil smile, "Garra of the desert."

To be cont....

(A/N: Sorry you guys had to wait so long for a new chapter. Ive been working really hard on other books and filling out job applications. Plus now im not feeling good. But heres your chapter I hope you enjoy and sorry if you dont. Thank you for reading."

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