Team Sakura

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Sakura p.o.v

I stood in lady Tsunade's office along side Kiba,Lee and Sai.

"Alright. I called you here because your going to be my body guard's for the meeting the other kage have set up. The summent will......." There was a large explosion. Her eyes widened as the office shook.

"Lady Tsunande, We're under attack!" Shizuna yelled as she bust threw the door. We all ran toward the gates but multiple explosions sounded across the village. I lost sight of Lady Tsunade and my team. That was an hour ago, now the village is in shambles and Tsunade is injured. Naruto has saved the village from the akatsuki leader, Pain. But now that Lady Tsunade is out a guy named Danzo has announced he was taking over.

Sasuke p.o.v

"Come on! Wake up don't you die now!" I faintly heard Jugo yell.
My eyes cracked open, Jugo was leaning over me his hand pressed to my chest. I groaned and sat up, "Jugo, what???" I noticed Jugo had shrunken.

He sighed and gave me a sad smile, "Your ok now." He said. Karin hugged my neck but I shook her off and stood. The 8-tails guy gave me a look then growled, the red aura covered him and he grew in size. A large octopus/bull creature with eight long tenticals growled down at us.

"SASUKE WE HAVE TO GO!" Karin yelled.  It swung at us but I cut its tenticle off. It moved at us but Suiegetsu turned his body into a large water wall. He grunted as the beast rammed against him.

"Go!" He called to us. We turned to run but then a large explosion of chakra erupted around us, causing us to be blown away.

I groaned and stood. Suiegetsu was laying beside me his whole body was water. Jugo grunted and stood up and Karin sat up and straightend her glasses.

I looked at Suiegetsu. Then over at Jugo. Then finally over at Karin. I closed my eyes, these three were my team just like my old one. Team 7.

My right eye flicked open sending the black flame to attack the 8-tails. Blood dripped down my chin. The 8-tails stopped thrashing and changed back into his human form. I flicked my left eye and caused the flames to die. My eye began to hurt as I closed it, "Jugo grab him and Suiegetsu. Let's go." I said. Jugo nodded and did as I said.

I dropped the 8-tails in front of Madara. "Here's you beast." I said then turned to walk out.
"Where are you going?" He asked.

"First to rest then to destroy the leaf!" I growled.

"Actually Sasuke, I heard that the Kage have a meeting at the summit."

"And what of it?" I asked annoyed.

"Tsunade was injured during Pain's attack on the leaf. Now Danzo is the hokage." He slowly said waiting for me to reply.

""And he's going to the summit to meet the other kage." I growled.

"Yes." Madara said.

"Hn." I said and walked out. I will destroy Danzo for what he did to Itachi.

To be cont....

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