Paper Bomb

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Sakura pov

I could automatically tell that something wasnt right. Jugo and Suiegetsu kept Konan's attention while Sasuke and I crept around her and started toward Pain's body. As we grew closer that's when everything went wrong. Konan smacked away Jugo and kicked Suiegetsu back into his water form. She turned toward us and slung some kunai at us, Sasuke glared and drew his sword, "Get the rinnegan. I'll keep her busy!" He yelled as he blocked all the kunai.

"But Sasuke-kun. I..." I started but he cut me off with a warm soft kiss filled with so much love that it left me breathless. He looked into my eyes and gave me a smirk, "Do it." Then he swiftly turned and blocked a strike from Konan. They flew backwards onto the water and began to fight. I turned back toward Pain's body and got to work.

Lady Tsunade had tought me how to remove and implant organs in patient's. Luckly I quickly removed one eye and carefully sealed it in a jar Madara gave us. Then I started working on the second eye when a loud crumbling noise sounded behind me. I removed the second eye and turned only to be covered by Suiegetsu.

"Stay down!" He yelled over the noise.
"Sasuke!!" I heard Jugo yell then there was silence.

Sasuke pov

I swung my katana but she easily blocked it, "He's using you as a weapon you have to see that!" She yelled.

"I know what he think's he's doing. But I won't let him use me!" I yelled as I launched fireballs at her. She was a lot quicker then I expected, before I knew what had happen she and I flew into the rocks and they began to crumble.

"If I cannot live. Nither can you boy!" She growled, her body transformed into tons of paper bombs. They started to glow, I made some hand signs and then she exploded. The last thing I heard was Sakura screaming for me.

To be cont...

Cherry Blossom series: Sunset (2-Revised)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن