Sister, Sister

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Colbys POV

I was playing with Sams hair as I smiled and Trent was driving as the truck made it to its stop. The mole was sitting in the passenger side front seat and slowly waking up. Sam was humming happily as he closed his eyes and leaned into my touch.

"Well look who's awake" Trent said as he looked over at Kelly. He looked back at him and his eyes widened a little.

"P-Please. I can explain-"he started but, without even opening his eyes, Sam punched him in the face.

"No one wants to hear the bullshit Kelly. If you're gonna betray us, you're gonna be treated as such." he said simply as I watched him and continued to pet his head. 

"You should have known better" Trent said laughing. "You didn't think Sam was gone forever did you?" Kelly looked away and tried to wipe the blood away but his hands were cuffed behind him. "You really are an idiot aren't you?" Trent laughed as he continued to drive and he smiled and I watched as Sam lazily ran his fingers over my hand. I smiled, and by the way he was tracing my hand, I could tell he wanted attention when we got home. I kissed his jaw slowly as I smiled and whispered 

"I have one more surprise for you when we get back to the house" He looked up at me curiously and raised an eyebrow, but I simply ran my fingers through his hair as I smiled. Trent glanced back at us as he smirked. 

"Not in my car or I swear I will kill both of you." 

"Well considering you and Lucas stole my bed in high school one night, I don't think you have the right" Sam shot back and Trent rolled his eyes as he laughed. 

"You remember that?" 

"I remember everything." He said simply as he looked back at me and I laughed, kissing him softly as Trent shook his head. When we got back to the warehouse Kelly was dragged out by guys waiting for us and Trent hopped out of the car to be greeted by Lucas, who instantly wrapped him in a hug. Trent laughed softly as he hugged him back and pet his head 

"You get so worried, why?" 

"Well I wouldn't have to if there wasn't a lot more at risk." He said softly as he looked at him with soft eyes. 

"I'm gonna be here, you're not gonna do it alone I promise. Besides I didn't even get out of the car until it was absolutely safe." He nodded as he sighed and I smiled a little, while Sam was looking a little confused. 

"They'll explain later. Don't worry about it right now" I said and he nodded as we all walked straight upstairs. 

"I think Fred should get his first live practice run don't you think?" Sam asked as he looked over at Lucas who smirked. 

"I think that's a great idea, why don't you go warm Kelly up and I'll bring him in" He said as he and Trent headed down the hall. Sam smirked and was almost running toward the room they had thrown him in and I smiled as I followed him, standing by the window to watch him. 

Sam's POV 

I smirked as I walked inside twirling my knife. Kelly already had some bruises and cuts on him, the guys had taken a few swings at him, which really wasn't that much of a surprise, Kelly had been friends with a lot of the guys here. 

"Sam...." He breathed as he coughed and looked up at me. "Thank know I wouldn't do this without good reason"

"Do I know that? I mean for all I know you've been playing us all along, that's why you wanted me to leave so bad, you knew I would figure you out." 

"Me getting you to leave saved you. They've been after you for years, and they've sent hit after hit after you trying to knock you out, so you would ever cause any problems for them. The day after you left guys showed up looking for you, this place lost have of its numbers but no supplies was ever taken. They were just coming after you."

"How do I know that even happened? I wasn't even here."

"Trent and Lucas can vouch for it, they almost died that night too. Then you really would have been pulled right back into the life." Kelly said weakly as he looked at him. 

"If you have been trying to help us, then why the hell are you still working for them?" 

"Because they have Fiona okay?" He said as he looked away and shook his head. "You can kill me, beat the crap out of me I don't care, but someone has to protect her, please"  Sam stopped. He remembered Fiona, but the last time he had seen her she was a tiny little thing, she barely reached his knee. She had to be 14 now at least, and if the Villains were keeping her as leverage...he knew she was in danger. He turned without saying a word and left as Trent was coming down the hall with Fred. 

"Is there a slave named Fiona that works for your brother?" He asked as soon as they walked up and Trent froze. 

"Yeah, she's like his little pet or something. She can't leave his side and does whatever he asks. Why?"

"Shit" Trent says as he sighed and Colby looked confused. I pulled my hood up and sighed as I dug in my hidden pockets and pulled out a set of keys. 

"Let Fred get a few swings in, Kelly can't get away with this without any discipline, but i want him to be able to hold her again and know she's okay." I then turned without a word to Colby and ran down the hall. This just became really personal really fast. Fiona was what had pushed Kelly to get better, to let me clean him up and teach him to do things the right way, and now she was in real danger. I walked through the warehouse fast paced and people quickly got out of the way, knowing better than to get in my way when I was set on doing something. I pulled my bike out of its little garage and started it up as I smirked, listening to it rev, before I hopped on and sped off to the one place I knew he would keep her with him.  

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