Confessions part 3

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Colby: Elton come on we should go this isn't good.
I was biting my lip and I glanced over as I watched Sam stumble back. He didn't look good and that scared me

Colby: Sam? Sam are you ok?
He didn't respond and I watched him fall and I rushed over to him and I leaned over him as I looked at him.

Colby: Sam can you h with me? Sam.
He wasn't responding and he closed his eyes. I started to snap in front of his face and I shook him slightly. I was starting to panic because he wasn't waking up and he looked really really pale. I glanced back at Elton and everyone else with fear in my eyes and then I heard Sam groan. I turned back to look at him and I sighed when he opened his eyes

Colby: Sam are you ok?

Sam: Yea I'm fine geez
He shoved me back and stood up brushing himself off. I looked at him shocked.

Colby: What was that for?
I glared at him a little hurt and completely shocked.

Sam: Oh do that hurt you? Sorry you just being a prick like usual.
He rolled his eyes and walked over to the board.

Corey: Sam what the hell is your problem?

Sam: What's my problem? I don't have a problem well unless your talking about me having to deal with Colby then I have a very big problem.

Colby: W-what?
I could feel my heart break a little as I looked at him.

Sam: You heard me. I hate having to deal with you. You are so annoying and conceded. It's always about you, oh you had depression oh you were suicidal oh you can't find love. God I'm so sick of it.

Amanda: Sam knock it off this isn't like you.

Sam: No it is like me but it's not the me you see.

Colby: You really feel that way about me?
My voice was shaking as I looked at him. He might be kidding and honestly that was all I was holding on to.

Sam: Oh that's just a piece of it. You dress for attention you speak for attention you act for attention it has to be all about you. We get it your a depressed emo kid we don't need to be reminded every day.

Colby: Well sorry for making your life so god damn miserable! I'm sorry that I thought you cared about me and that you cared about my problems! If you didn't want to be my friend you should have said something because you know what? I'm fucking in love with you! There I said it, are you happy now?! I'm in love with you and I have been for a while but clearly you don't feel the same! Maybe I should just kill myself and make everything easier for you!
I was holding back tears as I looked at him. He turned back and looked at me and I froze. I saw something, something flickered in his eyes. Through the wicked grin he gave me and the cruel laugh that left his lips I could see something in his eyes. It was pain, it was pleading for help that he wasn't himself. Then it clicked, he was trapped he WASNT himself and I got it now.

Colby: What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you do that to him? He didn't do anything to you!
Elton and Amanda looked at me super confused but Corey gave me a look of understanding.

Sam: What the hell are you going off about this time?

Colby: Just because you were chucked over the bridge it doesn't mean that you have a right to try and ruin someone else's life!

Sam: Oh please, he doesn't have anyone who really cares. I can do as I please or I could end his life, he wont be missed not one bit.

Colby: He will be missed, I'll miss him, his friends will miss him. I swear to god I will.....

Sam*started to back up toward the edge of the river* You will what? You can't hurt me without hurting him. You can't save him from his fate.
I saw another flicker in his eyes. He was listening to our conversation and he was scared but he obviously was stronger.

Colby: Fight him......Fight him please! I need you to come back just fight him!

Sam: What are you goi......*Screams and kneels to the ground and gripped his head*  Oww fuck fuck no! Your not gonna get what you ow ow.

Colby: Please Sam keep fighting just fight it you can do this.
Sam continued to scream and his body started to shake as he gripped the side of his head. Then he stopped all of a sudden and started to pant slightly.

Colby: S-Sam?
He looked up and his eyes were lighter than before and he looked at me and he sighed.

Sam: I did it....I got rid of him
Colby I smiled and side as I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him and held him close to me.

Colby: You did you were stronger than him and I'm so proud of you.
I spoke to him softly as I tried to keep from shaking as I held him in my arms. Sam wrapped his arms around my waist and I heard him sigh softly and I looked at him. He was still shaking a little and tears were streaming down his face but he was relaxed. Like he finally felt safe or something like that which is how I knew it was him. He looked up at me and he smiled lightly as he placed both of his hands on my cheeks and pulled me close to him, smashing his lips against mine. I was stunned but only for a second and I melted into our kiss with a soft smile.

Sam: I love you too Colby.
He spoke softly when he pulled away for air but only an inch away from me. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair as I whispered.

Colby: Good because that was one of the scariest confessions I've ever made.
He laughed lightly and caressed my cheek before he kissed me again. I smiled as I kissed him back as I tangled my fingers in his hair.

Corey: *coughs loudly* ok can you two not fuck each other right under the bridge?
Sam laughed lightly as he rested his forehead against mine and flipped Corey off. I blushed slightly and laughed as I slowly opened my eyes and I looked at Sam as I sighed lightly.

Amanda *Groans* lets just go, please
Sam kissed me lightly once more before he stood up. I was gonna stand too but he shook his head and picked me up. I giggled and curled up in his arms as I sighed.

Colby: You don't have to....

Sam: But I want to
He lightly brushed my bangs out of my face and I smiled and curled up close to him nuzzling his chest

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