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Colby's POV

I was driving my motorcycle down to the cliff we used to hide out at together when we needed alone time and I was still in disbelief. I couldn't believe that I had run into Sam, after 5 years...but I knew I couldn't stay around him, it wasn't safe. Not after the shit I had gotten into in those five years. I pulled up to the cliff and parked the bike before taking off my helmet and shaking my hair out. I could feel Sam watching me in awe, I could only imagine the slow motion bad boy shit he was seeing and it made me smirk a little, but I had to brush the thought away. I was already getting attached to him, and I can't get attached. I have to get out of here by the end of the week. We walked out to the edge of the cliff and sat there together and he looked at me with loving eyes which melted my heart but I looked away for a second trying to push the emotions away. 

"What happened to you?" Sam asked softly as he looked at me and I could hear the pain in his voice, I forgot how well he could read me. 

"A lot...."

"You can't stay" He said suddenly and he dropped his eye to his lap and I could see the sadness in his eyes. 

"I want to..." I said feeling the guilt well up inside me. Crap, this wasn't supposed to happen like this. "It's just not safe for you." 

"Those guys are arrested now" Sam said still not looking at me. "They won't be able to come after you again."

"Others will be sent after me, I screwed up.....I got mixed up in some bad shit that will put you in danger. Some of the people know who you are."

"What the fuck did you get involved..." He stopped and tilted my head to the side and there was obviously aggression in the action. I closed my eyes and sighed knowing I had gotten two tattoos on my neck. It was a snake with a heart lock trapping it and the heart had an S in the middle. He slowly traced my tattoo and I waited for the lecture, he knew what the snake tattoo was from, he knew what I had gotten involved in, but instead he softly kissed the tattoo and sighed. 

"They'll protect me, but you have to stay." He said and I looked at him surprised. 


"Lucas and Trent wouldn't let anything happen to me. Not after saving their asses when they first started." He said with a laugh and I looked at him surprised.

"You know Lucas and Trent?" 

"Yea. We went to school with them. So you got involved with the Snakes? And that would make the two guys that attacked you were from the Villains?" I nodded and looked at him and he ran his fingers though my hair. "Then maybe I should get involved with them too" 

"Hell no" I said instantly as I looked at him. "You are not getting mixed up in this shit princess. I've been trying to get out of it" 

"So then why can't you stay?" 

"Because getting out of it is messy. I shouldn't have come back....I just wanted to make sure you were okay" I turned and started to get up when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. I turned to tell him to stop but there was a different look on his face, he was scanning the area. "What Sam what is it?"

"Shut up for a second." He said as he stood up a little and let go of me as he started to walk along the cliff back toward the bike. 

Sams POV

I had heard them get here, at least one of them was new to the whole stealth thing I could tell. And they were not the best person to send after Colby and I. I walked along the cliff as I followed the sound of heavy breathing and a hissed angry voice. I pulled out my switchblade and I crept into the woods walking around the sound before coming up behind them. The new kid was a young kid holding a tiny knife and he was ducked behind the bush while a older blue haired girl was chewing him out in an angry quiet voice. Then she looked up and noticed I was no longer on the cliff. 

"Fuck where did he go?" 

"Behind you" I said noticing the small gun she was holding and I slammed my foot into the kids back sending him crashing to the ground and his knife slid away from him. The girl growled and turned to take a shot at me but I kicked the gin from her hand and threw her out of the woods so she landed on the rock of the cliff a few feet from Colby. Then I grabbed the kid and threw him out as well and he landed next to her with a scream. "Dangerous you said?" I called to Colby as I picked up her gun and held them at gunpoint as I walked out of the woods. The kid instantly threw his hands up and looked at me with fear. 

"Please. I'm sorry. My brother asked me to join and they told me this was my initiation. Please I'll do whatever you want." 

"Good. Walk over to my boyfriend over there and tell him everything he wants to know." The kid nodded and quickly got up and kept his hands up as he walked over to Colby who pulled out his own gun and he grabbed the kid gently and started to talk to him. The girl growled as she looked at me and I kept the gun trained on her. She started to sit up but I kicked her in the chest hard and sent her back to the ground. "You really shouldn't have taken a rookie with you. Though we might train him better."

"You aren't on the Snake list." She spat, a little blood coming from her mouth. 

"My baby's work is my work" I said simply as I squatted next to her and she hissed at me. 

"Shoot me then big shot. Show your baby how tough you are." I smirked and put the gun down and kept it away from her as I pulled out my knife and grabbed her by her hair and held the knife to her chin. 

"I'm not gonna shoot you, It's his call what we do with you." 

"Hey Sam?" He called. 


"You really want to get involved? Cause I have to bring them to Lucas"

"Sure love. I'll get involved." I said as I smirked and the girl looked at me with dark eyes as Colby tossed me cuffs and I cuffed her. "Lets go grumpy bear" I said hauling her to her feet and got in the car with the kid, throwing her in the back as Colby got on the bike and we drove off

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