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Colby's POV

I had brought him to the ER and I was now pacing in the waiting room. He was probably dead and it was my fault. I didn't hold him back I didn't protect him and he was probably gone now. Elton came running through the door and hugged me tightly as he sighed.

"God why would you go out there like that? Without telling anyone or anything?"

"We've been to worse places. I-I didn't protect him. I'm supposed to protect him and I failed." I started crying again and Elton shushed me.

"He's gonna be fine. You guys always are"

"The doctors aren't so sure. They think it could have been infected, it could have damaged something major beyond repair. And he's most likely going to go into a coma. That's what I've been told" Elton sighed and kept me close.

"You guys have beaten worse odds"

"And if we don't?"

"Then he will watch over you. And you will be here with us" I laughed bitterly and pushed away from Elton.

"And that's where your wrong"

"Colby don't..."

"Don't What? Think about joining Sam if he dies? If he dies because of me? That's not how this works Elton. Even you know better than that." And with that I turned and walked out of the hospital and got in my car, driving far far away from everything.

I ended up driving to a cliff that overlooked the beach of Venice. I parked the car and hopped out, sitting at the edge. I figured I'd be here in a week anyway, might as well enjoy the view. I know what you're thinking, 'have hope, he's not dead yet' right? Here's the funny thing about hope. It only works when you have proof. And the only proof of anything that I have is my baby boy is dying and it's my fault. They told us that we were invincible, that we would survive through anything because we always had. Looks like our time finally ran out. I grabbed the dog tag around my neck and cried softly. I just couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't hope or fight or pray, it wasn't working. He was dying and I was here alone, without him.

"Why does this keep happening to us?" I whispered as I looked at the dog tag. "Why do we keep going in this awful circle? I just want you to be safe. That's all I want for you. Please just be okay. No matter what happens or where you go" I closed my eyes then jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder and whirled around to see Brennen kneeling behind me with soft eyes. I sighed and slowly relaxed "what do you want Brennen?"

"Nothing, just making sure you don't do something stupid. Also they said you could sit in sams room if you'd like. He's going to be fine. He just needs to wake up."

"If he wakes up" I whispered as I closed my eyes again.

"Elton told me you were dark. Why is that?"

"It's my fault that he's in a coma. It's my job to protect him and I couldn't even do that"

"Dude" Brennen said as he put his hand on my shoulder "what happened to Sam was not your fault. It had nothing to do with you or what you do. It was that thing that attacked him, nothing to do with you." I set into a new round of tears as Brennen wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "It's gonna be okay. I promise." I nodded and sobbed for a few minutes before I calmed down. "Now let's go see Sam." I nodded and stood up as I got in my car and he got in his and we drove to the hospital. As we walked back into the hospital he put his hand on my shoulder leading me to Sams room. When we got there I felt my heart crack seeing him laying in the bed, eyes closed and limp, hooked up to so many machines, like he was dead. I walked over to him and pulled up a chair, barely registering that the others were there. I took his hand in mine and slowly traced circles on the back of his hand.

"I'm so so sorry baby." I whispered quietly. "I'm so so so sorry." I rested my forehead against his hand as I cried silently and everyone was watching me with sad eyes and stayed at the outskirts of my vision.

I don't know how long I sat there, days, weeks, maybe a month but I never left his side. I couldn't. I mean I thought about it. Dying next to him, but that wouldn't be until they said he was dead. I sat there with my forehead against his chest for the third time today and I started to slowly drift off to sleep. My mind was flooded with all kinds of memories of Sam and I, and I reached out and spun the silver ring that was on his finger as I took a deep breath and started slipping deeper into sleep. Then I felt Sams hand twitch in mind, and at first I thought I was dreaming but then he was squeezing my hand as he started shifting a little. My eyes flew open and I looked at him hopefully and smiled hopefully.

"Sammy? Come on princess wake up for me." I said softly and I looked at him. He slowly opened his eyes and groaned as he looked at me with bright blue, lost eyes.

"B-Baby...?" He mumbled and I reached out and caressed his cheek but just as I did doctors and nurses ran in and nurses dragged me away from him as I screamed and struggled against them until they threw me out of the room and closed the door behind me.

"Let me in!" I screamed banging on the door "let me see him!" I could see Sam struggling and screaming fight of the doctors and nurses until they sedated him and he slowly assed out which made me sob as I leaned against the opposite wall. All I wanted to do was see my baby and hold him. 

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