Castle on the Hill

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Colby's POV

After we stayed curled up together in the meadow for a few hours I reluctantly sat up and stretched.

"We should probably go explore the place I found." Sam groaned but nodded as he sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

"So what did you find?"

"Pfff it's part of the surprise." I said smiling as I stood up and helped him to his feet. He smiled and shook his head as he crossed his arms.

"Then how am I supposed to do the intro?"

"Obviously we're switching roles." He laughed and shook his head.

"The fans are going to be confused"

"Good. Now come on." I grabbed his hand and the camera before leading him to the edge of the clearing where there was a rocky and sand edge and in that edge there was a rundown castle.

"Holy shit" he breathed as he saw the castle and he sat that the ledge to look down at the castle. I sat next to him and smiled, and he reached over pulling up my shirt a little to hide the hickeys that were on my neck. I laughed and pulled the shirt down farther, revealing all of my hickeys on my neck and collarbone.

"I'm proud that to show that I belong to you." He giggled and smiled before pressing record almost without me knowing.

"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby" he started laughing as I tried to start my line. "This is why you say it and not me."

"Yea well you didn't know where we were going so obviously you had to do the intro. Remind me to never let you do the intro again." I laughed and he pouted a little. I reached over at kissed him sweetly getting him to smile again as I ran my fingers through his hair. "Aww you know you're so much better at other things. And that I recognize that all the time." He blushed and wrapped his arms around me, and I held him close as I turned back to the camera. "Today I had decided to surprise Sam and if you watch my new video, link will be in the description, you'll know what the surprise was and everything like that. Well where I had planned the surprise is also where this really old castle. And it turns out, according to legend the Greek god Hades used to hide out here. Now that's all legend but I've heard some weird shit has happened here. So I thought it would make an interesting exploring video." Sam laughed and sighed as he looked at me.

"You're lucky I love you."

"I love you too baby. Now come on let's go see this castle." I stood up at the same time he did and he took my hand before grabbing the camera and we started to try and slide down the cliff side safely and he kept a tight grip on my hand which ended up getting cute segments of his arm outstretched and his hand in mind as I lead us down the cliff side. We had to basically jump onto the castle porch when we reached it because of how loose the sand and gravel was. I held Sam close to me when we jumped on the porch so I wouldn't loose him in the sand.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly as I ran my fingers through his hair with a smile.

"Yea, I didn't die so I'm good. How are your stitches? Rocks were fucking flying" I pulled up my pant leg and saw that they were leaking puss a little bit there wasn't blood.

"Somehow I'm okay" I said with a slight smirk as I looked at the door and pushed on it slightly, and it instantly swung open. "Well someone doesn't lock their doors"

"That could be a good or bad thing." Sam said with a nervous laugh.

"I'll protect you don't worry" I said as I wrapped my arm around him as we walked inside. He stayed close to me and his jaw dropped when he saw all of the high end furniture and decorations just in the main hall.

"Holy shit." He breathed in awe. "This might be one of the coolest videos we've done" I smiled and nodded as I looked around, holing his hand once he grabbed the camera from me. We walked through the hall and down to the main living room. I smirked as I looked around and laid across the elegant couch like a gay queen as I looked at Sam who was laughing hard. "Must you be so dramatic."

"Please you know you love it." I said as I flipped my hair and he walked over to me and kissed me.

"Yea Yea" he teased. "Come on you're covering yourself in dust." I hopped up and he helped me dust off before grabbing my hand again. I laughed softly and smiled as I rested my head on his shoulder

"Thanks baby" I said softly as we kept walking around. We found all kinds of old paintings and tapestries that were probably ancient and priceless. "Dude we could sell all of this and quit YouTube" I joked and Sam laughed as he nodded.

"Yea no shit we could make millions with just what's in this room." We walked into what had to of been the kitchen and I smiled as I let go of Sams hand and took the camera as he giggled and he hopped up on the counter with the biggest smile. "Am I a princess now daddy?"

"You've always been a princess little one" I said as I set the camera down on the counter so it was still filming us as I stood between his legs and kissed him softly. He blushed hard and kissed me back as he wrapped his arms around my neck and sighed happily. I looked at him with soft eyes and placed the bag on the counter before opening it and pulling out a baby Winnie the Pooh wrapped in the blanket as I handed it to him. He squealed and hugged it close to him as he sighed and looked at me with big eyes.

"Tank woo dada"

"You're welcome beautiful baby" I said as I kissed his forehead, but almost a second after there was a loud crash upstairs and we both jumped. Sam whimpered and shrunk a little as he looked at me.

"W-What was dat?" He asked as he shook a little.

"I don't know baby. But I'm gonna go look okay?" I started to walk away but he squeaked and grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.

"No! Not unless I go with you" He said as he looked at me with scared eyes. I sighed and cupped his face in my hands.

"Is that what you want?" He nodded and I picked him up and grabbing the camera before walking toward the stairs.

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