"Wendy, you and Mabel will work at the ticket stand." He told the girls but Mabel started to protest.

"What? But Grunkle Stan, this party is my chance to make new friends!" Mabel complained.

"I... I could work with Wendy." Dipper suggested.

"You realize that if you do, you gotta commit to stay in at the ticket stand with Wendy. No getting out of it, just the two of you, alone, all night." Stan told him.

"I promise." He said.


I was in the bathroom putting on my earrings. I was almost ready with my outfit. I had painted my nails black. I had put on a Norvana sweatshirt, dark grey shorts, black boots, net stockings and a choker. When I finally finished I went to check on the twins.

"Hey guys" i walked in on Mabel and Dipper arguing about something. Dipper was holding a piece of paper in his hands.

"Hey Em! Nice outfit you look amazing!" Mabel complained me.

"Thanks. I like your outfit aswell" I told her. I noticed Dipper had been staring at me since the moment I had walked in. "You know it's rude to stare Pines" I told him

"I- no I mean. It's just. I have never seen you like this. I-I mean." He couldn't form a sentence. "You look nice" he finally said

"So what's that" I walked up to him and pointed to the piece of paper he was holding.

"A plan to make sure my night with Wendy goes perfect." He explained.

"Plan? Oh, you're not making one of those overcomplicated listy things, are you?" I asked him

"Psh. Over complicated? Let me just.." He unfollowed the paper. That was one huge list "Alright, fold that there, kay. Step 1: Getting to know each with playful banter. Banter is like talking but smarter." He explained to us.

"That sounds like a dumb idea for poopheads." Mabel said.

"Yeah, see? This isn't banter. This is what I want to avoid with Wendy. The final step is to ask her to dance." He said as he started to daydream. Probably about Wendy. "If I follow steps 1 through 11, nothing can get in my way!" He said proudly.

"Pines, you're the one getting in your way. Why can't you just walk up and talk to her like a normal person?" I asked him.

"Step 9, Girls" he pointed to step nine which said: talk to her like a normal person.

I rolled my eyes to that.


The part had started. Soos was trying to work out the keyboard while I stayed next to him looking over to the people dancing.

"Hey Soos. Do you need any help with this?" I asked him hoping he would say no.

"Yea actually can you read the manual for this thing and tell me how to work with it" he asked me

"Uhhhh" I rolled my eyes and went over to get the instructions.

Soos looked at me "You know what dude. Go and have fun. I will be alright" I looked at him as my eyes brightened.

"Really!" I asked as he nodded. "Oh my god Soos you are amazing thank you!" I told him and went over to Mabel and what looked like her new friends.

"Hey Soos said I can come have fun for a while so. Wassup" I said to Mabel.

"Em these are my new friends. Grenda and Candy!" She showed me a girl with forks taped to her fingers and another one who had an lizard n her shoulder

One mystery left to solve | Dipper Pines (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now