Dipper and Mabel vs the Future

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It was the early hours of the morning, and I had just gotten off the phone with my grandma with possibly the best news.

"Mabel, Dipper, wake up!" I walked into the room to find both of them still sleeping.

"Wake up, sleepy heads!" I threw my Pillow at dipper and pulled Mabel's blanket off.

"Mmm, what is it?" Mabel groaned as Dipper slowly stood up from his bed.

"Emma, it's not even 8am. What do you want?" Dipper asked rather annoyed he had been woken up from his sleep.

"I got off the phone with my grandma just now, and she told me that she thinks of buying a house in California and moving there for this school year!" I squealed out of happiness. It wasn't every day i got as excited for something as I had for this.

"NO WAY!" Mabel immediately stood up from the bed. Her temper changed in less than a second.

"You are kidding!" And so did Dipper

"Nope! It's not 100% confirmed where exactly, but I'm gonna be moving to California after summer ends. So we can all be together!" I told them as the two of them tackled me in a hug.

"I can't believe it. This is great! It's like summer won't end!" Mabel ahouted happily.


Later that day, mabel gathered us all in the living room in order to plan the twins' birthday party.

"Alright, party planners. In one week, we become teenagers, and our summer vacation winds to an end. So we need to throw the greatest party of all time! I'm talking piñatas with tinier piñatas inside." She shouted excitedly.

"I'm talking inviting everyone in town. Let's see, where do we stand with the gnomes?" She asked as I grimaced a little. I didn't like those guys. One time, they tried to kidnap me.

"Not so fast, goofus and girl-goofus." Stan walked into the room with a detached arm in his hands. "After that zombie incident, no one's throwing another party at my house. I keep finding little bits of the undead in the couch cushions." He waved the arm around.

"But Grunkle Stan, we need some roof to raise." Mabel whined

"You know, you could rent out the Gravity Falls High School gym and have your party there. That place is empty all summer long." I told Mabel. If i recall correctly, the last event there was some Bingo night finale special or something old people did.

"The gym's a great idea, Em. To the high school!" Mabel got excited and started leaving the room, but a sudden loud shaking stopped her dead in her tracks.

"Emma, my face is on fire!" I heard Ford call out from downstairs.

"I-" i debated whether or not to go with the twins or to go help Ford.

"Emma!" He shouted more demandingly as I sighed.

"Sorry." I mumbled and went the opposite way back into the house.

"Ford, are you okay?" I asked quickly as the man himself just laughed.

"No, no, I'm fine, I just said that to make sure you'd come in here quickly." He stated as I watched him shocked.

"But your face is on fire." I demanded as he dismissively waved his hand.

"Yes, it's much faster than shaving." He turned around and pulled out the rift. "Now, listen, Emma. I have a very important mission, and you are the only one who can help me. Remember the rift in dimensional space-time I showed you? It's cracking." Ford pointed to one of the cracks on the glass. Crap. "This is what Bill has been waiting for. If it breaks, it will cause reality as we know it to completely unravel. A hypothetical and catastrophic event I call Weirdmageddon." Ford finished.

One mystery left to solve | Dipper Pines (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz