Double-Sided Past

Start from the beginning

"Fine, fine. I have another one I think you'd love. Plus, it's a little more modest." She smiled, going into her closet to find another dress.

I nodded, walking around her room, as she shuffled in her closet for the dress.

"Wow. Your room looks really great. It fits you perfectly." I called out, taking in her pink covered walls in awe.

"Thanks! Yeah, I knew exactly what I wanted from the moment I walked in here. We still have to decorate yours, too." She called back from the closet.

I hummed in acknowledgement, before noticing a picture on the side table.

It was a picture of Mina when she was a little bit younger. There were a bunch of other people in the picture, probably her middle school friends.

She also had her arm slung around some guy in a friendly way.

I narrowed my eyes, as I looked at the black haired guy in the pic.

That's funny...

That looks like...

I picked it up to examine it more, not quite sure I was seeing it correctly.

"Kirishima....?" I mumbled in curiosity, certain it was him in Mina's picture now.

My lips curled up into a smile, as I studied middle school Eijirou.

He looked a little younger, and had black unspiked hair.

Of course, I knew his hair was dyed was just interesting seeing it naturally for the first time. 

He looked so cute!! Of course, I love his red hair, too. But, he looks just as good with the black hair. I'll have to tell him that.

My smile fell slightly, as I continued studying his face.

I now noticed he also looked very.....unhappy. Very timid, and insecure.

He was looking away from the camera, slumping his shoulders slightly, as Mina ruffled his hair.

He looked nothing like the Eijirou I see now

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He looked nothing like the Eijirou I see now.

I furrowed my brows in concern, wondering the story behind this picture.

"Oh! You're looking at my junior high pic. Notice anyone familiar in there?" Mina smirked, not realizing I already noticed Eijirou.

I turned to her now, handing her the picture.

"That's....Eijirou, isn't it?" I asked her, wanting to make sure I was completely accurate in my assumptions.

"Sure is! Yep, he dyed his hair before he came to UA, and he spiked it, too." Mina explained, handing me the new dress to try on.

"Wow. He really changed his look. He looks great." I smiled, looking over black, floppy haired Eijirou a little more.

Mina nodded, absentmindedly looking at the picture, too.

"Yeah. After that day in our hometown, he really beat himself up about what happened. I told him it wasn't a big deal, but he still took it pretty hard." Mina sighed, shrugging and placing the picture back on the table.

I furrowed my brows in concern, as Mina ushered me in front of the mirror to get the dress on.

"That day? What happened?" I asked her quietly, starting to worry about Eijirou.

"Oh! Nothing too serious—I mean, no one died or got hurt, or anything like that. I—well, maybe it's best Kirishima tell you, himself. Since he hasn't already, it sounds like he's still embarrassed about it." Mina explained softly, shooting me a small smile.

I nodded softly, moving my hair off my shoulders so Mina could zip up the dress.

I wonder what happened to Eijirou that day?

What made him decide to change himself entirely?

I guess it seems that Eijirou and I both have pasts we'd like to forget—

"Woah! Margo! What the hell happened?! I didn't notice that before." Mina exclaimed in worry, running her fingertips over my shoulder blade.

My face contorted in confusion, not registering what she was talking about at first.....

....before it hit me.

She noticed the first scar Shigaraki gave me.

When he decayed my shoulder blade, the night I tried to refuse the Hosu attack.

My eyes widened, as I quickly turned around to face her, not wanting to give her anymore time to study it.

"O-Oh! I—uh, I burned myself." I quickly explained, now covering my scarred wrist as well, so Mina didn't notice.

The wrist and hip scar were given to me the day I tried to save Bakugou, also courtesy of Shigaraki. I couldn't let Mina see those, too.

Thank goodness she didn't already notice.

"You burned your shoulder blade!? How the hell do you burn that much of your shoulder blade!?" Mina called out, still completely worried.

I swallowed thickly, trying to come up with a quick excuse.

"Uh.....the shower water was too hot." I replied, realizing how shitty of an excuse that was.

Mina looked at me in complete disbelief, before her eyes widened in some sort of realization.

Shit. Did she know?

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, shooting Mina a weak smile.

"Oh....I get it now..." Mina breathed out, taking a seat on her bed.


Was my cover blown?!

"What do you get? There's nothing to get, really. Nothing!" I quickly uttered, waving a hand around dismissively.

Mina looked at me in pity now, before standing up and grabbing my shoulders.

"Margo, whatever abuse you've gone through at're safe now. You're here at UA with us. No one will hurt you again. But, I'm telling you now...if I see anymore scars like that on you....I am going to tell Mr. Aizawa. For your own good, of course." Mina said softly, pulling me into her arms for a hug.

It took me a second to process her words, before I hugged her back.

I see.

Mina thought the scars were abuse from someone in my home life.

Thank goodness she didn't figure out my secret.

But then again....

I guess she did in a way.

These scars were technically abuse from my home life. The league of villains was my home for a time being, and Shigaraki did inflict emotional and physical pain on me.

I sighed softly, squeezing my eyes shut tightly, as I reveled in Mina's hug now.

I didn't realize how much I needed it. How much I wanted it.

Maybe Mina didn't understand the specifics of my situation. But, I was becoming more and more convinced every day that if I told her my secret...

She would understand.

"Mina..." I mumbled shakily in her hair.

"Yeah, Margo?" She said softly, hugging me tighter upon hearing my voice crack.

"Thank you.....for being my friend."

Where You Belong (Eijirou Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now