Chapter 15 (END)

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It has been a wonderful four years with Jennie. It's amazing. I have decided to stay with Jennie until I have enough money to buy a new house. I had been doing my business. Yes, I opened my own business, a photography company.


I will change the company name to something new when I and Jennie got married. I mean, if WE got married.

I have been really busy lately, which makes me come back home late. Like, three to four in the morning, and what makes me feel most guilty is when she would wait for me. She would be sleeping on the sofa. The TV would be switched on, it was usually cartoons, like SpongeBob Squarepants, Powerpuff Girls and more. I have kept telling her not to wait for me, but Jennie with her stubbornness.

When she realized I was home, she would wake up and ask me to walk over. After I did, she would hug me tightly, put me on the sofa with her, and we would cuddle to sleep.

I've planned everything, everything means the engagement thing. Today is another, same day. A day where I'm going home late, and she would be thinking I would go home late, so she's going to wait for me. But what she doesn't know is that I'll be home early.

I'm on my way to Rosè's house to pick up the ring. As I said, I've been really busy, and I don't have time to look for rings. Rosè asked me which one I wanted. Rosé also has a good sense of fashion too.

When I reached her house, I knocked on the door, but what I heard was something unusual. Kissing, and moaning sounds are coming from the inside. Is Rosé fucking someone? Where's the innocent girl?

I knocked again, she is so into it, isn't she?

From: JenJenBoo❤️
Baby, come home now...

What's wrong? What's happening? She never asked me to come home. I left her on read. "ROSÉ PARK COME OUT AND GIVE ME THE RING! I DON'T CARE IF YOUR FUCKING SOMEONE RIGHT NOW, BUT I NEED THE RING!" I shouted angrily. I'm starting to worry.

Jennie would never, ever text me since she thought I was too busy. She would only text me when she is in danger. We promised each other only to text when we are in danger. We are both busy businesswomen.

Rosé's house door opened. Her lipstick was... smudged. She's half-naked? Ew. She passed me the ring and shut the door loudly. I ran to my car and drove to my house.

To: JenJenBoo❤️
Babe, where are you?

From: JenJenBoo❤️
At home. I'm scared.

What is happening? She's scared? Scared of what? I'm almost reaching our house.

When I reached the front door. I was a sweating mess. I heard nothing. Like, nothing. When I opened the door. It was dark. Candles are the only source of light. There fairy lights hanging on the wall of our living room. The scent of lavender from the candles is circling the room. It was, peaceful. Nothing was in looking bad.

"Jennie?" I called out. I saw her came out of our room in this black, gothic dress in high heels. "Why are you wearing heels in the house? It's dirty," I said and she giggled. "I knew what your plan was, babe," she knew! All this time she knew! "How?"

"Heard your conversation with Rosie," oh god. I did call her, in the bathroom. She was doing something downstairs, by something I mean, solving a puzzle. It was hard. It's to distract her. I didn't know she would hear.


"Geez, Lisa. You went rushing to the bathroom while I was downstairs, right?" I nodded. "And then I went up, I wanted to tell you that I finished the puzzle,"

"But that puzzle was hard! I can't believe I'm dating a genius,"

"We are not dating anymore, Lisa, we are going to be engaged soon," oh yeah. Forgot that. "Aren't you gonna propose?" She asked. "Ah, yes, hold on. But I stink, I was sweating, shouldn't I take a bath first? You know?" she chuckled and shook her head lightly.

"Just do it," and so I did. I kneeled and took out the box.

"Jennie, we had been through a lot of obstacles and I am willing to take more with you. I look forward to a more beautiful day with you, my love. I am so thankful to have you by my side. I will be with you through your sickness and health, I will make you feel happy, and now, if your willing to be with me for the rest of your life, please accept me to be your soon-to-be wife," I said, tears threatening to fall.

"Yes," she agreed, and just like that my tears that were threatening to fall, finally did. She gave me her hand asking me to put the ring on her finger, and I did.

We hugged. We kissed. "Thank you so much," I thanked her. Positive feelings are hugging us. Making us feel the best feeling ever.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"

And just like that ladies and gentlemen, the story ends. So yea! See yalls on the next story. Thank you so much for reading my story. It's almost reaching 1K! I love you guys so much. Bye!

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