Ch. 21

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Whoop Hello! Last chapter! Ok bai!

Sky's POV

Welp I'm here by the ocean..but where are the squids!? All of a sudden a staircase came out of the ocean. I crinkled my nose. Squid. I started walking down the staircase carefully. The smell of squid was getting stronger. Ew its smells gross!

I finally reach the bottom. I see Ty tied to a chair. "Ty" I whispered. He woke up and nodded his head. I came to him and.. ouch his leg is bleeding badly. I cut off the rope tying up his hands and feet. I picked him up bridal style and started walking towards the staircase.

"Think it would be that easy? Ha" grumbled a voice. The commander of the squid army. "Here take your head" I threw him the wither skeleton head. "Haha you think it was about Ty didn't you? Poor little thing" he snapped his fingers and the staircase closed.

Oh no. This is a trap how could I have been so stupid?! But what's even worse is Ty might bleed to death in here! "Let us out"I growled. "Ha first experimenting" Experimenting? Some soldiers grabbed my arms. I almost dropped Ty! Oh please let this be over now!

We walked down some stairs into a lab. "Now you go into this case and we'll get first aid on the boy" I handed Ty to the squids. At least Try wasn't awake he would've killed me... Literally. Then I walked into a case. I stayed there for a bit. Then white smoke started surrounding me. Wtf is this?! Then I fainted.

*After he awakens*(Hah I like that word awakens)

I wake up in a case? Wut?! The first thing I remember was Ty. "Mission complete. You may go home now" the case opened. Finally freedom! The squids handed Ty back. Aww he was asleep. He's so cute when he's asleep. The squids opened the stair case. I nodded an started climbing up the stairs. I felt the air on my face. Ah fresh air.

I started walking towards the house with Ty in my hands. Im finally home. Where's Annabeth and Jason? Oh probably at the carnival. Alone at last.(Tangled reference)

I looked at where Ty's cut was and there was some cream on it. Phew Ty would live. I placed Ty down on the couch, and went to go check out what the squids did to me. I walked up to a mirror. Hm. Pretty normal. Until I turned around. On my back was a pair of....

Hah CLIFF HANGER .3. LUV YOU GUYS. There will be a bonus thingy so STAY TUNED.

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