Ch. 8

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school is starting next week.
f m l

Annabeth's POV

Jason and I walked on the dirt road leading to the town. We soon reached the park. "Wowza. This is a nice park." I gaped looking at the, probably really expensive, fountain in the middle.

The cold wind was making the water coming out of the fountain go onto the sidewalk surrounding the fountain. It was basically sprinkling. "Annabeth?" Jason asked."Yus?" "Want to go through the water?" "Hell yes!" I ran ahead of Jason, the cold water hitting my face. I looked back to find Jason disappeared. "Jason?" I looked around. "Jaaaason?" I looked at the playground. "Boo." I felt someone's arms hug me from behind. I jumped and turned to face the person. "Jason! I swear, I'm going to die from you scaring me!" He chuckled and pressed his forehead against mine. "No you won't~"

I huffed, "I might.."

We countined to walk through the park and, we saw Sierra kissing Mitch "Really?! That's the second time today." I put my hand on my eyes then peeked. They looked up at us and blushed. "Oh um, hi." Mitch said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Did you guys come looking for us? "Nope, Jason and I came for a walk... You guys on a date? " "Yeah, Mitch planned it out." Sandwich replied. Mitch looked away embarrassed.

"Awwh, you're so cute when you blush." Sandwich kissed Mitch's cheek.

"Jeebus.." I mumbled. "Anyway, I say we go home." Mitch said.

"Butbut, Jason and I just got here." I whined "Fine, you guys can stay here for a while. Also, how did y'all get here?" Mitch asked. "Oh, we walked." I said proudly, since I was not lazy for once. "You guys can come home with us in Adam's car." Sierra sqeaked. "I wouldn't want to mess up the rest of your date.. since i'm pretty sure there's going to be more to it." I winked. Jason chuckled behind me.

Mitch smirked and looked at Sandwich."Nope ! Not now." Sierra said. "Awwh." Mitch pouted. "Anyways, we'll clean up our mess and be on our way. "Okay, see you around!" I beamed. Mitch nodded and started picking up their picnic date.

I grabbed Jason's hand and kept walking farther out into the park.

Jason randomly laid down on the grass I whined " Jasoooon I don't wanna get my dress dirty."Fine give me your hand." I reluctantly held out my hand he pulled me down on top him, and I landed with a *Oof* "What was that for.." "I dunno, I just want you in my arms~" I looked away into the sky. I awed at the stars. "Gorgeous aren't they?" Jason said nonchalantly. "Yeah." I replied. "You know what else is?" I added. "Hm?" Jason smirked. "Your mum." He shook his head and smiled.

He sat up, with me in his lap and held me in his arms. "I think its time to go home." "Fine" I replied.

He got up, with me still in his arms, wowza, he is strong for a 16 year old.. He countined walking through the park to its exit. I felt the brisk, cool wind against my face. I could hear Jason's soft breathing. The stars above glowing brightly. I closed my eyes and smiled, wishing it could last longer then, i fell asleep.


"Annna!.." I felt someone poking my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes. I yawned and rolled over. "Later..." I hushed whoever was bothering me. They shoved me off the couch. "Ow!" I rubbed my eyes and looked up. "What the hell, Ty!"

"Good morning! I mean, afternoon! I mean-" "Yes, I get it Ty." He smiled innocently then left for, proably, Adam's bedroom.

"Jaaason?" I went to the kitchen to find Jason eating. "Jeebus, Jason.." "Whaat? I was hungry."

Adam came into the kitchen and leaned on the counter."The couch is also a pull out bed." "Wow. You could've told us yesterday.." He just smirked and walked away to his bedroom. I left for the living room and pulled out the bed. Oof, Adam must of not used this couch in a long ass time.

I let myself fall onto the bed. Closing my eyes. I felt someone jump on top of me. "Jason..." I squeaked. Opening my eyes and looking into his.

Then got closer to his face, and playfully shoved him to the side of me. "Not today." I closed my eyes again. I heard the bed creak. "I think yes today." I heard Jason breathe in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I was turned to face him... or rather, hid bare chest. I blushed and looked at him. "Cuddles?" I said innocently. He sighed. "Fine.." and wrapped his arms around me and we both fell asleep.

I will probably make 2 chapters after this one You just tell me when I'm punished enough ok? Okay! Bye ~Sara


still kinky, ey sara?

Forever and Always Together (A Skylox Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora