bonus ch. 1

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So I haven't been on in forever BUT IM HERE NOW! So to the bonus chapter now. And I also forgot about the book for a bit so sorry xD

Sky's Pov

I walked up to a mirror. Hm. Pretty normal. Until I turned around. On my back was a pair of.... Wings?! Wtf! Why do I have wings? Ok this is awful. They look like ender dragon wings. Hm interesting well.

Whoa my wings just like went into hiding mode. Awesome but I'll probably need to tell the squad( Squaddddd!) But first (Let me take a selfie)Im going to tell Ty cuz Tys da Bae.

"Ty?" I call out. "Yes babe?" Ty replied sitting on the couch still. "I have to tell you something that the squids did to me" I turned around and opened my wings.


Some Fluff and stuff Time to get your Awww's on!


"Oh my gosh." He gets off the couch and comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist. Aww ( Aww^°^ Kawaii Ty). "Do they hurt?" "No babe its fine" he lets go of my waist and comes in front of me and kisses my cheek.

I pick him up bridal style and sit on the couch with Ty on my lap. He lays his head on my chest and I wrap my wings around Ty. Kinda like I was protecting him from something.

Jason and Annabeth come through the door(Its about time!) "Sky? Where tf did you get wings from?!" "It was the stupid squids" mumbled Ty.

"Aye welp are they permanent?" "I don't know. Well anyway its like dark so I'm going to bed." I carry Ty up to the bedroom to (You pervs xD) GO TO SLEEP. NOT HAVE SEX XD You perverts. (ADAM YOU BROKE THE 4TH WALL) sorry. ^-^

Anywayyy I plopped Ty down on the bed. I laid in bed until I heard a strange song coming from the window.

(Just a reminder Adam has ENDER DRAGON wings ok? Ok)

The song is like -Whistle to the hunger games thingy-

I feel like.... Then I suddenly black out into eternal darkness.

When I wake up im in a room.

Ok so the next Bonus thingy might have a lot of feels. And I don't think I'm making a sequal to this.

BUT. I'm making a new book!! So don't be sad! Unless the bonus chapter makes you sad okie Bai!

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