Ch. 12

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Hi like I said another chapter ^_^ Good for you.Anyways here..TAKE IT ITS ALL YOURS.

Sky's POV

I'm so glad Ty didn't drown. But I can't believe he pretended to see my abs. Lolz Oh well. The Past is so behind me (Lolz I luv you if you know what this is).So we were hungry,BUT NO ONE WAS COOKING (This is me) "SANDWICHH" "What" "We're hungry" "So" "Make us something to eat" "Uhhh....No" "why" "Because there are oreos" Sandwich said

I looked in the pantry,I SAW OREOS,Finally Sandwichkitty didn't eat them all........I opened them.....(Sierra what did u do)........THEY WERE GO....."SIERRRA" She comes out of the room. She giggles "What" "You ate them all." "Well I was hungry s." "Could you make us A sandwich Pleaseeee" "Fine"

~•~•~•~•~After Sierra makes sandwiches~•~•~•~•~

Finally, "SANDWICHES ARE READY" We walked into the living room and Sierra giggled."Here" She gave me and Ty a...And I mean A...Sandwich. She Annabeth and Jason 2 Sandwiches each. And She and Mitch had a plateful (Like 6) Of sandwiches."Whaatt" "Well you said to make you A sandwich" She smirked "Oh well" I complained

I WILL MAKE ANOTHER CHAPTER I promise.....And when I make a promise. I never Break that promise......Ever break that promise (I LUV YOU IF YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS FROM!!!)

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