Ch. 15

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This did not turn as I planned.... it needs More Skylox Don't Ya Think?

Ty's POV

Welp Sky and I Are Going to watch a Movie!!!So I guess its like a Date...Kinda... but Ehh Whatever "Sky?!?!" "Ya?" Sky Replied "Do Ya (Wanna Build a snowmaaaan? Sorry I had To!)Wanna Watch a Movie?" "Sure".So then I Put in a movie,But not just any movie a, scary movie! This gives me an excuse to cuddle with Sky..Lol.

Sky's POV

We were watching a movie, But it was Annabelle (bare with me I haven't seen it and don't plan to!)

Ty's POV

Oh dear....why did I do this. I regret doing it but ehh Now Cuddling with Sky! I snuggle my head in his tummy. I looked at him he was blushing. "Aww your so cute when you blush!" I whispered, He just blushed even more "You little cutie (I'm gonna keep ya.....Frozen!)" Then he pushed me gently,but I fell off the couch. He picked me up ,bridal style and turned off the T.V,And took me to the bedroom,because it was like 11:30.

So its the end of the chapter.....Sorry for not updating Sorry it's stoopid school. So in the story I will start school, because I'm evil! (>y<) Lol..So Cya Later Sara

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