Stray kids-Jisung.Part 1

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[Based on a True story]

Panic Attack

"Daddy, I'm not sure what to do for my Technology project." you whined as you handed him the text book with the instructions.

Jisung put down his book and turned to you, "Did the teacher not explain properly?"

You huffed, "She didn't explain at all.."

Jisung let out a soft chuckle and picked you up so you could sit on his lap while he read the instructions.

"All I heard her say was bring two vegetables or fruits..." you sighed and snuggled into Jisung's neck.

Jisung nodded, "Well baby, it says here that the project takes two weeks for the process to work, so just bring your vegetables to school and I'm sure you'll be fine. She can't expect you to have everything done if she gave it to you this week."

You smiled and kissed Jisung's cheek, "Thank you daddy!!!~"

"No problem baby, in the meantime I can help you with something else if you'd like? I have spare time."

You squealed in excitement and got up to go get some homework that Jisung was gonna help you with, but little did you know that your happiness would soon come to an end on Thursday morning during your technology lesson.

During the week, your technology teacher was busy, many students had even tried to meet up with her when getting their reports to ask what exactly to do for the project but no avail, she was a no show. Soon Thursday morning came where your class finally got a technology lesson, most kids were excited because this was their favorite teacher. She was a young women with a sassy attitude, beautiful skin and a strong, inspirational personality, the way she dressed was a bit too revealing but nevertheless she respected everyone.

Jisung wasn't a fan of her but you considered her as your role model even when she said things out of term, her favorite thing to say after all her lessons was 'Be kind, Be good, Don't lie and be the reason someone smiles today.'

But today that wasn't the case because as soon as your class sat down and the door closed, she immediately demanded your projects.

Your whole class sat in silence and perplex, only about two kids bought something out while the rest sat in silence.

The teacher stood there with an unimpressed face, her arms folded and eyebrows tilted, "Oh? So only two kids did my project? What happened to the rest of ya'll?"

You gulped, you had the veggies in your bag but that's not what she wanted. She wanted the whole project, the same project she gave you this week that takes two weeks to finish. You glanced at the kids that had their projects, they didn't even do it right!?

The teacher let out a soft chuckle and demanded everyone to stand up, "Now. I'm sure you're all familiar with my punishment methods. Everyone remember Jack-In-The-Box? Great. Now all of you will do if for the whole lesson which is about... 45 minutes~ NOW START!!!" she yelled and marched to the two students who had their projects out, of course they did it wrong and of course she was angry. She was 'nice' enough to cut down 10 minutes of their Jack-In-The-Box. One of the kids who had bought their project quickly panicked and lied that they had the write up in their home class room to try avoid the corporal punishment, the teacher ultimately believed the kid and allowed them to go while of course, the rest of the class had to continue their punishment.

You weren't very fond of exercise even though you were a small, skinny kid. You continued in silence until about 27 minutes past and you began to feel nauseous and dizzy. You sucked it up and didn't stop however.

"Ma'am!! I think Y/N needs to vomit!!" said one of your peers who gave you a concerned look.

The teacher scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Fine but hurry up."

You thanked her and walked towards the door but as soon as you tried opening it, it was stuck. On normal occasions you would be able to open the door with ease but your body was trembling and weak.

One of your peers close by noticed your struggle and quickly opened the door for you, you thanked her and finally left that hell hole of a class room.

Walking down the stairs felt horrible, you nearly fell over and your legs felt like they were ready to give up any minute. It was only three flights of stairs.

You finally made it into the bathroom and walked into the nearest stall, sat down on the floor, grabbed your knees and pulled it up to your chest. You finally understood what was happening, why you suddenly felt this nauseous. You prayed that it wasn't a panic attack but deep down you knew it all too well. Your breathing pattern was unsteady and you tried to get it all together. You remained calm and told yourself to breath in and out which is what Woojin instructed you to do when you get too anxious.

Time felt like it froze, you sighed and dragged your feet up the stairs towards the technology class room. Nothing in your mind registered that this was corporal punishment and strictly wasn't allowed anywhere, this was a Catholic school after all so it made it worse.

You made it into the class room and walked to your place where you continued your Jack-In-The-Box without complaining, many of the students gave you sympathetic and tried mouthing 'are you okay?'

Things got worst when the teacher approached you with a smirk, "Do you have stomach problems? Mm?"

You shook your head no.

She laughed in amusement, "Then what is it?"

You finally had the courage to gather a voice, "P-Panic attack..."

Her evil grin didn't leave her face as she heard that, "What exactly are you panicking about? Mmm?"

You felt like breaking down but you kept a strong posture, "Not sure."

"Alright. You can take a ten minute break if you want to but after that continue your punishment." She said with no sincerity at all.

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