NCT-Jungwoo & Lucas

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Full Diaper

"Y/N!! Sit down!!"

"Y/N!! I thought I told you to put your seat belt on!!"

"Y/N!! Don't touch that!! You might get hurt!!"

"Y/N!! You can't watch that!! It's not your age!!!"

"Y/N!!! Did you drink to much juice?! Do I need to change your diaper?!"

"Y/N!! Do you have your paci?! Make sure you don't drop it!! You might get germs attached to it!!!"


You groaned and turned to Jungwoo and Lucas, "Hyungies!!! Pwease!! I'm owld enouff to take cware of myselw!!"

Jungwoo and Lucas sighed softly, they may have been overreacting a little bit but you can't blame them. You were their everything.

The plane began to lift up, Lucas held tightly onto your hand, followed by Jungwoo. You'd swear that they were the ones in little space.

About 2 hours later you sat uncomfortably, shifting occasionally. Lucas and Jungwoo kept notice and continuously asked you if you needed a diaper change. You declined however, because you felt embarrassed and ashamed that you were required to wear a diaper instead of normal underwear.

You shut your eyes tightly, trying to hold back any possible tears that might slip out of your eyes.

Jungwoo removed his headphones and turned to you, "Baby boy, let me take you to the bathroom."

You desperately wanted to decline again but the tears somehow managed to fall from your eyes in a matter of seconds.

"DaddddA!!!" You wailed, causing Lucas to ingulf you in a big hug.

Jungwoo nodded to Lucas and took you to the bathroom where he changed your diaper. After he was done, he bought you back to your seats and a light green pacifier was immediately slipped into you mouth.

"Next time you need to tell us when your diaper is full baby. We won't laugh or make fun of you and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Your daddies are here for you sweetie pie." said Lucas in a soothing voice as he played with your hair.

You could only give a small nod as sleep consumed you.

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