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On Stage

You wandered onto stage where your boyfriend Wonho sat with his members. You were in little Space so your mindset wasn't exactly logical. All you wanted to do was see your boyfriend.

"Wonnie!!Wonnie!!" you screamed happily as you made grabby hands towards him.

He turned to you with a look of fear but before you could reach him, his manager stood in front of you, pushing you away. You whined and pouted, "I want Wonnie!!"

Wonho was about to say something but a fan who was getting their album signed cut him off. She turned to you and yelled into the microphone, "GO AWAY YOU MAN WHORE!!!!! WONHO OPPA DOESN'T LIKE YOU!! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT YOU'RE MAKING HIM UNCOMFORTABLE!!!"

You felt hot tears swell in your eyes as you began to walk off of stage in embarrassment, before you could even walk two feet, Wonho wrapped his strong arms around you and pulled you into a back hug. You wiped your eyes and sniffled.

"I'm so sorry, Babyboy... come sit on my lap.." hummed Wonho as he pulled you back to his place and placed you on his warm lap. You giggled and wrapped your arms around him tightly. The female fan who had just yelled at you was in shock, "WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING HIM, OPPA!!!?" she yelled, yet again.

Wonho shook his head and replied back, through the the microphone, "He's my boyfriend and he's in Little space." The fans cheered and some even "awed"

He rubbed your head and gave you a sippy-cup with apple juice then handed the mic to Hyungwon. "Y/N....Look at me.."

You looked up at him with a smile but it quickly faded away when you saw him serious face.

"Why are you here, Babyboy? Didn't I give you instructions? I specifically said don't leave the apartment..." he scolded.

You whimpered softly and hugged him tighter.

"As soon as we get home, you're gonna get a punishment... Understood?"

You nodded softly and kept your head down. "I wuv you, Wonnie..."

"I love you to, Y/N."

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