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•Abuse warning (Taeyong is not the abuser, don't worry)
•Denial of food and water
•Harsh Spanking

You accidentally knocked over a lamp as you swiftly took the corner, causing a loud rachis and you immediately tried your best to clean it all up, you didn't want Taeyong to see because he'd be extremely angry at you for breaking his furniture.

Once you were done cleaning, you went down to go make dinner as a way of welcoming Taeyong home. The front door near you opened with force, making you nearly drop the dinner you were preparing.

You smiled and turned to the door but was greeted with non other than Taeyong's co-workers. You didn't like him one bit, he did things to you that were uncalled for and inappropriate.

"Heyyyyy~~~ Y/N~~" he slurred stupidly as he made his way towards you with a grin. "TY is in the studio, he got work to do, ye know the usual, so he asked me to babysit your little ass while he's busy."

You nodded and continued making dinner.

"Are babies even allowed to be using the stove" he asked as he put his chin on you shoulder while his hands roamed your waist.

"N-No..." you whispered.

He hummed and switched off the stove then picked you up and walked over to the couch. He sat down and placed you over his lap, "How many?" he smirked.

You felt tears pooling in your eyes, you didn't do anything wrong so you kept quiet.

"Ah, Silent treatment, I see how it is. Just for that you're going to get 30 smacks.....

with my belt..."

You squirmed desperately and began to let out loud wails as Taeyong's co-worker removed his belt and hit you with it.

"STOP!!! ST-STOP!!!! PLEASE STOP!!!!!" you screamed but he only hit harder. He eventually finished and placed you down in the corner to stare at the wall. Your butt hurt badly and you were sniffling non-stop.

"You're not getting any dinner, do you understand me?" he growled as he put his belt back on.

You choked on your sobs but managed to say, "Y-Yes Sir..."

If felt like hours of you staring at the wall, your stomach was growling and your throat hurt from all the begging and crying. You turned around and saw that Taeyong's co-worker was sitting on the couch with his phone in his hand. You sighed softly and turned back around to face the wall, you knew that he wasn't going to allow you to eat or drink anything.

Five hours past and you were still staring at the wall, your legs were completely nub and your stomach was aching badly. You gulped and turned around, noticing that Taeyong's co-worker was still there.

"M-May I-I pl-please ha-ve some-thing to d-d-drink?" you asked in a raspy and soft voice.

"Did I allow you to speak?" he glared.

"No Sir...Sorry Sir..." you said and continued to stare at the wall.

Your prays were finally answered after 10 minutes, Taeyong emerged from the front door, holding a stuffed toy for you.

"I'm back-" Taeyong closed to door and froze, noticing you in the corners with red eyes. "What did he do?" Taeyong asked his co-worker who gave a devilish smirk.

"He was disobeying me and giving me attitude then he threw a fork at me." he lied. You choked out a sob and held your stomach in pain as you looked at Taeyong with begging eyes.

"D-Daddy... he-lp m-me.. p-p-plea-se..." you choked out which made Taeyong put down the stuffed toy and immediately ran up to you to scoop you in his arms.

"What's wrong, bub?" asked Taeyong as he gently stroked your back.

"H-Hi-t... h-he hu-rt  m-m-e."

Taeyong held you tightly as tried to calm you down, "Baby~ shhh, I got you, I got you. You needa calm down before you trigger your asthma~ shhh, deep breathes~ there we go, what a good boy you are."

You let out a soft hum as you practically melted in your daddy's arms. Taeyong smiled happily and quickly took you to his bedroom and tucked you in with the stuffed toy that he bought you.

Taeyong returned downstairs where he marched straight up to his co-worker, "So you decided to hit my Babyboy without my consent?"

The co-worker gulped, "W-Well you see-"


The co-worker held his cheek, a red mark from Taeyong's slap was forming.

"Leave. NOW!!!!!!!!" screamed Taeyong as he flung a punch at his now former co-worker who quickly scurried away out the door.

Taeyong sighed and quickly marched upstairs to see you sobbing into the stuffie that he bought you.

"Y/N~~ baby~ come here, let's get you something to eat? Okay?"

You shot up quickly and hugged Taeyong whilst holding the stuffie which you soon named Garfield.

Taeyong feed you then gave you some some apple juice to drink after that he put some cream on your bottom to help relief the discomfort you were feeling. When he was done he sat you on his lap and turned on the TV.

"Baby? Why did he spank you?" asked Taeyong and he locked eyes with you.

"I was using the stove becaus' I wannen to mwake Daddy dindin..." your age slowly slipped lower and lower, you soon felt tiny in Taeyong's arms. Tiny and vulnerable.

Taeyong rubbed your hair softly and placed a kiss on your cheek, "Don't ever go near the stove again without Daddy's permission, okay?"

You nodded with a sad expression.

"But that was no excuse for him to spank you, a simple warning was all that was needed." Taeyong smiled as he finished his sentence and watched as your mood changed from sad to happy.

Throughout the whole night Taeyong held you in his arms protectively, even after you confessed to breaking his lamp. Taeyong was way to forgiving and lovable, and that's another reason why you fell for him.

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