Part 50

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We put on the tape of prom.


Violets POV-
I put on my prom dress and did my makeup. My boyfriend and I were going together.
I was at Nicola and Dominics house since my mom was still being her druggy self and I physically couldn't go home without getting hurt.

I walked downstairs and called my boyfriend "where are you. Are you coming soon"-V "No.. Violet I'm not going to prom with you anymore.. goodbye"

What just happened!
I fell on the stairs and started to cry.
Tom walked down the stairs and hugged me.

"Should we be filming this"-Nicola "I'll just stop the camera and put it down"-Dominic

Dominic put the camera down but it didn't stop filming.

Tom- I felt so bad for violet so I called my girlfriend to ask if she could come with us. "Ugh ew no not violet she's so ugly compared to us it would make us look bad" "She's my best friend it's either she comes with us or I go with her"-T "Seriously? Whatever all the football boys are all over me I'm done with you"

I hung up and went back downstairs to talk to Violet. My dad was filming the entire time so I looked at him and asked if I looked good. He said yes so I went down.

Violet then stood with.. her boyfriend. She was hugging and kissing him. "Y-your back"-T Violets boyfriend glared at me and pulled her out.

I just looked at the door heartbroken. "I don't feel like going to prom"-T

I took off my tie and my suit jacket then ran upstairs.

The video ended. I scoffed.. I didn't know Tom did that for me and I just-

"Foods ready!"-N

We all sat at the table. Tom sat infront of me and I couldn't stop looking at him all through dinner.

After dinner I walked outside and told Tom to meet me out. I shivered in the cold but looked out at the pretty lights. "Hey, aren't you cold?"-T "Hi, I'm fine"-V "So what's up"-T "I just wanted to thank you for doing that for me for prom. I-I never knew"-V "Of course, I would've done anything for you and I still will"-T

"I haven't been in the best place these past few weeks"-V "I wanna be with you violet"-T "I do too"-V "You mean it?"-T "Y-yeah"-V

Tom wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. Then we both pulled away then I cupped his face and kissed him.

I went back to my parents house and she told me dad was much better and the house was too. So I packed my stuff and went to Toms house.

I knocked on the door and Tom answered.

As I folded my clothes Tom and I talked and after I finished we talked for hours. I kissed and smiled "I missed you"-V "I missed you more"-T

He wrapped his arms around my waist and we kissed each other passionately. I pulled away and laid back "I'm so sleepy"-V "Then go to bed baby"-T

I yawned and stood up then went to bed.

The next day-
I made breakfast then ate it. Tom woke up and ate with me. "So I was thinking"-T "Hm?"-V "Date night, tonight"-T "sounds good"-V "Where should we go"-T

I stood up and walked over to Tom. I kissed his cheek and said "Surprise me"-V
I started to walk away but then Tom stood up "Club or dinner"-T "Hmm.. how bout both"-V
I kissed Toms cheek then went to get changed.

I put on a burgundy jumper, black skinny jeans , brown teddy jacket, and these shoes

I put on a burgundy jumper, black skinny jeans , brown teddy jacket, and these shoes

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I put my hair up in a high ponytail then did my makeup.

I walked out and grabbed my bag and my keys. "I'm going to get coffee want anything?"-V "I'm alright thank you though"-T "of course."-V
I hugged him then left.

I got to the coffee shop and ordered my coffee. While I was waiting I was on my phone.

"Hey"-man "Uh hi?"-V "You're very beautiful"-man "Thanks.."-V "You live around here"-Man
I paused and then lied Incase this man was a weird creep "Uh no"-V "Then where"-M "Across town"-V "How bout we go out sometime"-m "Sorry no, I'm taken"-V "I bet your just saying that because I look like this"-M "I'm sorry but you just leave me alone. I'm just trying to get a coffee not a hookup"-V

The barista must've seen what was going on and called me over "Uh ma'am didn't you want the coffee decaf or no?" "No thank you"-V "Alrighty here's your drink"

The lady handed me my drink.

I smile then whispered "Thank you for saving me"-V  she whispered back "Us girls have to look out for each other"
I pulled out a twenty and handed it to her.

I waved goodbye then went home.
"What took so long?"-T
I told tom what happened and he was very annoyed "This keeps happening to you!"-T "It's alright I know how to deal with it"-V "Baby, I-I just- dont want you to get hurt"-T Tom grabbed both of my hands and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm a big girl I can take it"-V I said pulling him close to me then kissed him.

Tom went out to grocery shop. I was just cleaning around the house when I got a call, from and unknown number. But I answered just in case "Hello"-V "Is this violet" "Who might be asking"-V "It's Aaron from primary school" "Oh uh-"-V

Aaron was from America and moved to England to my school. And when I wasn't crushing on Tom, I was crushing on Aaron. Nothing really happened with him besides he found out I liked him but then that all changed when Tom got his first girlfriend and i finally noticed I actually was in love with Tom.

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