Part 47

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"Oh- hey- uh sorry it took me so long i was asleep"-T "It's fine. Sorry I woke you" said Harry. "So what's up"-T "I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out to lunch"-H "Uh I have a lot to do today.. maybe dinner. I mean tomorrow is Halloween so we'll be together then"-T "Uh yeah.."-H "oh wait I've been meaning to give you something- Uh gimmie a sec- you can come in it's really cold out"-T

Tom went over into his room then Harry came over to me. "I know you're awake"-H "What the hell how"-V "I'm a genius"-H "But why were you even fake sleeping to begin with?"-H I moved my hair to show my love bite Tom had made on my neck. "Oooh"-H "Don't tell"-V "Lips are sealed"-H we both chuckled as Tom came in the room and handed Harry some papers.

Harry left and I looked at Tom then we finished what we had started

After that.. I had gotten dressed and went to look for a Halloween outfit. I decided just to be an angel. It's the easiest and all I could think of. I got big white wings and a white dress then a halo and white heels.

I bought the costume then went home.

Halloween day-
Tom had left to do something. Not sure what but I put on my costume, did my makeup, curled my hair, and took some cute pictures to upload to Instagram. I didn't have any candy to give out to trick or treaters and I physically wants allowed to since I'm considered a celebrity and I don't want anyone knowing where Tom and I live.

I tried to see if anyone, besides Tom was having a Halloween party.. but no.

Then I sparked an idea. I can make some Halloween treats, like cupcakes, cookies, etc. that'll keep me busy and is Halloween-y.

I got out everything I needed and measured everything then went live on Instagram.

"Hi! I'm gonna be making some Halloween treats"-V I started decorate the cupcakes and answered some questions.

After the cupcakes I decorated some cookies.
As I was doing that, and on live, Tom came in. And our kitchen was right by the front door so I turned around when he came in. "I'm live. Say hi"-V he waved at my phone then looked at me up and down. "Your costume is really cute"-T "Thanks. It's last minute but I made it work"-V

Tom pulled me into a hug as I tried not to get frosting on him. He kissed me then left.

I then finished up my cookies then washed everything off while I answered some more questions. Tom came and taste rested my cookies and said they were good. Then I ended the live.

"So.."-T I looked at Tom confused "I talked to everybody and you can come to the party after all"-T I smiled and gasped "Really?"-V "Yeah"-T "Oh great when is it"-V "In an hour"-T

The hour flew by then we went to a party. As I soon realized was basically a "get drunk and go crazy with costumes on" and not an actual.. Halloween party.

These types of parties are the ones I dread the most because, I don't drink..

Tom grabbed some beer and raised his glass and cheered with his friends as I sat on a comfy couch, on my phone, in the corner, and being a total loner.

Don't get me wrong I love parties, but I hate parties with alcohol involved.

I sighed and scrolled through Instagram to see cute screen caps of the live. "Angel go out and dance" I looked up from my phone and saw a good looking guy, who was drunk. "No thank you"-V he looked at me with disqust. "Come onnnn baby girl. Have a drink, Come dannncee! Live a little!!" "I don't drink and I'm good"-V

Tom then came over to me and the man and asked "Is this guy bothering you?"-T "Yes"-V
Tom held out his hand as I took his hand and stood up. He put his arm around my waist and kissed cheek.

Tom and I had went home and I changed into my pjs then went to bed.

I woke up and did my normal daily routine and Tom wasn't home. While I ate breakfast I texted him "Where are you? Why aren't you home?"-V "Oh I just had to do some stuff"-T

I sighed and put my phone down. I fed Tessa then took her on a walk. I went back home and changed into some skinny jeans, a jumper, and some socks. It was November first and starting to get colder in London.

As I was brushing my hair I got a phone call, from my mom.

"Hey mom what's up?"-V "I want you to move I'm with us for the holidays" "Why"-V "We need some extra helping hands around here." "But why?"-V "Your father is sick and I can't take care of the house, take care of your father, take care of myself, and our dog all by ourselves" "What?! Wh-Wh-why didn't you tell me! How long has dad been sick!"-V "For about the past few month, he's getting worse"

I couldn't speak I felt frozen.. "Mum.. You know I have a life too.."-V "I know honey.. but cant you just push everything off till possibly after New Years.." "Mum I don't know if I can do that, just take dad to a senior center or call in Aunt Milly"-V "I understand you can't do you that but have you thought about what I have to do and all the things I'm doing just to keep our heads above the water. I can't believe how selfish your being.." "Me being selfish?! Gee Mum I'll just tell everyone that I'll be gone and off the grid for what 2 months"-V

"That's not that long" "Yes it is!"-V
I felt so overwhelmed i started to cry. "You're being so selfish I don't understand why you're being like this" "I-I-I can't- I'm- I'm done- figure it out- call a damn senior center, call Aunt Milly, call anyone, except me."-V

I hung up then tried to control myself  but just ended up sitting on the floor and crying in the bathroom. Tessa came over to comfort me when I heard the front door open from Tom coming home.

"Violet"-T "Tessa?"-T
Tom came over to me and I told him everything.

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