Part 46

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I got out of my plane and went to baggage claim. I got my bags then tried to get out of the crowd of people.

I looked around for Tom but I couldn't see him. He did remember he's picking me up.. I told him I landed didn't I..

I took a deep breath and kept looking around

Tom- My bodyguards went to go get violet since I couldn't go inside.

I saw violet. I got out of the car and I ran over to her. I hugged her so tight.

Violet- I kissed Tom then we went into the car with him. "You cut your hair?"-T "Oh yeah.. I forgot to tell you"-V "your hair is beautiful my love"-T "I missed you"-V "I missed you too"-T

We got back home and I said hi to Tessa. "I'm so happy to be back"-V "How'd filming go?" Tom said as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall "It was good"-V I opened my suitcase and started to unpack

Tom nodded as I kept unpacking. I looked up at him and paused "What's wrong"-V "I-I-I don't know"-T "Talk to me"-V "I feel like you've changed"-T "O-oh"-V I sighed and then turned around back to my suitcase.

I put all my stuff in my room then took a shower. I sat down on the couch and put on the tv.

Tom came over and sat next to me awkwardly. I looked at Tom then hugged him from the side. He smiled then I snuggled into his arms. "I love you"-V Tom kissed my head and hugged me tight "I love you too"-T

I opened my twitter and scrolled through it. J then saw a tweet that said:
"What If Violet Willows and Tom Holland's relationship is all fake. Like we've never actually seen them together in public after the whole Zendaya thing and no one has actually seen a video/picture of them that they didn't post"

I looked at Tom then showed him the tweet "Look at all the retweets too"-V "Fans are just trying every possible way to not believe that I actually have a girlfriend"-T

I sighed then looked at the replies "This is actually so true.." "I used to stan Tom before he got a girl but now I just don't now" "I feel like this is true!" 

Then I saw a reply from the fan I met who also had a Twitter fan account "Just think If Violet sees this and I'm sure she will. Just think how this will make her feel. And I wouldn't say that Violet and I are friends but I have met her and she personally talked to me. So before you tweet something idiotic and spread nasty rumors you should check your information"

I then replied to the tweet
"Tom and I usually want our privacy and don't want to share OUR relationship with the world. And there's many paparazzi pictures of me and Tom.. And again, paparazzi pictures that we didn't post. If you'd like more proof that we're "a real couple" then try doing some research or just keep your thoughts to yourself"

I put my phone down and sat up. "What's wrong?"-T he sat up and wrapped his arms around me. I sighed and shook my head "Nothing my love."-V "You hungry?"-V "Yeah I am actually. Want me to order-"-T "I'll cook something"-V I kissed his forehead as I got up

I made some food and then ate. I sat down on the couch as he was giving Tessa some food "So halloween is in a few days. What are you going to be? Maybe we can go out on a date or go to a party or something"-V "Uh actually I had some other plans.."-T

"Oh- wh-what plans..?"-V "Um a party with some friends and my brothers"-T "Nice"-V "I would've definitely told everyone you were going to come but I didn't know you would be back yet"-T I nodded then as Tom walked away I mumbled "Maybe I should've stayed in Canada"-V

I went to my room and looked around. Gosh it's a mess..I cleaned up and got my clothes out of the washer and put them away.

I came out of my room and went to the living room. Tom was on the couch with Tessa. "Can we talk"-T "What about?"-V I went and sat down on the couch in front of him.

"Well.. Me and you are kinda... different now that your back"-T "Yeah.."-V "But I don't want it to be"-T "And I love you very much-"-T "I know and I do too. We both know this"-V "I don't know what I'm trying to say.."-T "That's ok.."-V I cupped his face and kissed him.

I laid down in Toms arms as we watched a movie and I fell asleep and he did too.

"Vee.. We fell asleep"-T I opened my eyes sleepily and yawned. I sat up and Tom smiled at me. "You're so gorgeous"-T "You're too sweet darling"-V

He kissed me.. that then became a makeout.
Tom pulled me on top of him. I wrapped my legs around his torso and took off his shirt. He did the same with my shirt then took off my bra. We both got our pants on and I only had underwear and he had boxers.

Tom threw me back on the couch and started to kiss my neck then moved his way down my chest as he slowly slipped off my underwear and kept on kissing my body.

The doorbell rang and Tom and I both panicked "Uh coming"-T

He quickly put on his pants and I got my shirt and put it on and my underwear then pushed the clothes under the couch.  I got a blanket and put it over me and pretended I was asleep as Tom got the door.

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