Part 48

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Tom told me that I was right with saying I couldn't move to my mom and dads house.

We were on the couch and he had his arms around me. "I mean I love them both but-"-V "I-I dont know"-V "Your mom should've just called someone else she knows how busy your going to be. You just filmed a movie for goodness sakes. And what you move to her house and not celebrate Christmas or thanksgiving or any of that"-T

I opened my mouth but no words came out. "What's wrong"-T "I just have so much on my mind"-V I got up and crossed my arms then looked at Tom. "I feel like I'm lying to everyone"-V "Why is that my love"-T he got up and looked at me.

"Willow"-V "Oh your last name"-T "Yeah that's not my name.."-V "Maybe you should tell your fans that, that's not your last name."-T "I just feel like half of my fans don't even know Willows was a last name. Everyone expect interviewers would just call me Violet"-V "I think you should just tell them"-T "Should I go live or a post?"-V "Uh go live"-T "Thank you for helping me"-V I kissed him then he chuckled "What?"-V "I mean you should tell them before your last name gets changed to Holland"-T

I rolled my eyes and laughed but then set up my phone in a good place then went live.

"Hi guys I have something to tell you all but I'm gonna wait till there's more people"-V

A lot more people joined then I took a deep breath "So some of you may know my name is Violet Willows.. but that's not true my name is actually Carter. Violet Blair Carter is my full name.. the reason you all thought it was violet is because when I was little my dad used to call me Willow I wanted to change my name but I liked my first and middle name I "changed" my last name to Willows. And I didn't actually officially change it everyone just heard me say Willows that they thought it was actually my name. But for you all to know, now I will officially be calling myself Violet Carter"-V

I read someone of the comments and then ended the live.

Tom came and hugged me. "You did great"-T "Thank you baby"-V

I sighed then crossed my arms "I think I do wanna visit my mom though. I haven't seen her in forever and maybe I could just help her today and I do just wanna check up on her and my dad"-V Tom nodded then kissed my cheek.

I couldn't help but keep thinking that telling everyone my actual name was a mistake.. also I felt the guilt of not going to my parents house and helping them.

My phone died and I wanted to see what everyone said on Instagram. Tom had his phone in his pocket. I grabbed his phone as he went and reached for it "Can I have my phone back"-T "Can I look at insta to see what everyone said"-V "Uh- no i- I need my phone"-T "Why are you so protective of your phone all of a sudden. "I'm talking with my fam-"-T Tom then got a notification from his family group chat. I opened it and saw my name. "Violet was just being really rude to her mom and I think she shoudlve just moved in with her parents. I mean go see them none the less. God sometimes she can be so much"-T

"Is this is a joke"-V "Violet please- let me just-"-T "Thomas.. Why-why were you telling your family about private shit"-V i felt like my heart broke. "I can't believe you would do this bullshit! I-I can't deal with this stuff right now! Here if you want me to go to my parents house so much, I will! Happy! We're done I'm done- with you- I can't- I"-V

I quickly went to my room and threw my stuff into suitcases

Violet at her parents house-

I knocked on the door as I heard my mom yell "I'm coming!"

The house looked beaten down and like it needed a new coat of paint.

My mom opened the door then looked at me flustered "What happened?"

She brought me in and I jsut felt nostalgic memories pop into my head.

I told her everything. I felt so overwhelmed by everything. Maybe I blew it up to much but I just need to think.. and stay here with my parents.. I just really hope the internet doesn't find out cause I don't want our business to spread.

I cooked us some food and helped clean up around the place. I looked around and saw everything needed to be replaced "Mom what if  I bought some new stuff for around the house"-V "That would be great."

I just need to think and have some alone time..

I sat on the couch with my head in my hands. "I ruined it.. I ruined us.."-T

Harry and sam had come over to comfort me..
everything was just too much to handle by myself right now

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