Part 1

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It was a normal day. Like any other I was hanging with all my boys. Tom, Harry,Sam, Paddy, and Harrison.

We were all having drinks except paddy of course. The boys were playing pool but I was sat aside since I didn't know how to play. I was their cheerleader "It's your turn!" Tom, obviously frustrated, said in a loud tone to Harrison. I giggled as they kept playing.

Time passed and I finished my drink and got bored. I stood up with my arms crossed and went over to Tom "Who's winning?"-Violet "I'm not sure Paddy's keeping score."-Tom "And I'm not telling until the end"-Paddy "Toms been cheating this whole time so he's obviously going to win"-Harry "Yeah I saw him too!"-Sam "Who cares if he's cheating it's pool.. it's just something to pass time"-V "Oh come on Violet you don't even know how to play so you have no say"-Harrison

More time passed and I laid on Toms couch and went on my phone. The boys kept on playing in the other room until Paddy left. Then Sam. Then Harry. I looked at Tom and sighed "Did you have fun?"-V "Yeah it's always good to have them over"-T "Yeah your brothers and Harrison are the best"-V "They truly are"-T "Well I'm going to get ready for bed"-V "Don't forget that we have work tomorrow"-T "I know it's filming time"-V "You packed right?"-T "Yeah all we have to do is load up and leave"-V "Alright Well night."-T

Narrator- in the morning they were going to fly to there last destination of filming. They had been in London for a while but not for long. As mentioned before Violet is Tom assistant so wherever he goes she goes. She doesn't really work for Tom she works with him. She brings him things when he needs them gets him things, gets his groceries, etc. since not a lot of people know her as a "celebrity" or "friend of Tom" she can go out an public and get or do anything tom needs.


It was the morning and we left to the last filming destination.
Once we got there we met up with Jon (the director) Jacob (Ned) and Zendaya (MJ) I was friends with both Jacob and Zendaya and I loved them both. "hey guys"-T "You made it!"-Z

They started to talk when some of the people from the camera crew asked me to get one last prop that had broken.

That's the great (sarcasm) thing about my job. I have to do everything for everyone. I went to the nearest grocery store and looked for that thing they told me to get.

A group of 3 girls who looked to be about 13-15 came up to me "um hi.."-Girl 1 "Hello?"-V "A-aren't you that girl that was in that picture with Tom Holland's on Instagram"-Girl 2 "Yes.. why?"-V I felt like I knew where this was headed. The girls squealed and looked at me like I had something to give them. Their eyes went big and bright and they smiled ear to ear.

"So where is he?"-Girl 3 "I'm not with him right now.. He's at his apartment"-V I always knew not to tell them the truth just to be safe. "Are you his girlfriend or something?"-Girl 2 "No I work with him"-V "What,  are you in the movie?!"-Girl 1 "No I'm his assistant and I should really get back to work"-V "Just know if you ever hurt Tom or even lay one finger on him we will come for you"-Girl 3 "Yeah you're like 10. What are you going to do throw your scrunchies at me?"-V I started to walk away but one of them pulled on my shirt.

"Just because you're his friend doesn't mean you're cooler than us"-Girl 2 "Listen girls I have a job to do. Tom and I have been best friends longer than you all have been alive."-V

I checked out and left. I went back to where they were filming and they were all getting their hair and makeup done. I handed the bag to the director and went to the hair and makeup trailer. I opened the door and Tom,z, and Jacob all got excited. "The weirdest thing just happened to me!"-V

I told the three of them the story and by the ends they were just in shock. I just brushed it off and went along with my day.

Tom asked me to help him with his lines so I did. Soon they started to film and i just watched.

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